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A few of my Facebook and Malaysiakini friends have written privately to me saying that my views against Islamic radicalism can be considered seditious by our enforcement agencies. Thank you for your concern. I wish to reiterate these points so that ALL are clear:

1) I have always spoken out against terror - that is not seditious. In fact, a few senior politicians from both sides have also WARNED Malaysians of the danger of such fanaticism.

2) I publish my thoughts based on what’s actually happening around the world and have made specific reference so that none of it is assumed to be concocted. I do admit, sometimes telling the TRUTH in Malaysia, can be hazardous to health and safety as seen a few times already?

3) I also research the relevant holy book(s) to make sure when I quote them, it is exactly as what was ‘instructed’ by whichever God(s) so that nobody can say it’s not the divine rules as written therein.

4) I am totally against Sharia law for Malaysia and I’m not the only one who feels this way. So for the many millions out there, you must also speak up. As I’ve said before, they can jail 100 of us but can they do that to 1,000,000?

5) I’m also against any religion (or those who interpret them as such) that imposes upon others, rules that are forced upon them. And worse, if even questioning them are wrong, then it’s a vile ideology.

6) I believe that when anyone immigrates to another country, it’s because they want to leave behind a lifestyle that was not to their liking, or for security reasons. So if you are welcomed by your new host in the new way of life, then behave the way they do or GO BACK.

You cannot go around preaching to your new host to change their ways and then threaten areas as ‘no go’ zones. That is absolute BULLSHIT and everybody around the world, including the ‘pussy’ governments in certain countries, should wake up - send back these immigrants to their original countries so that they can continue to wreak havoc where they came from.

7) I hate hypocrisy, especially in Malaysia where everyone sucks up to politicians, royalty and other dignitaries. You gotta have some ‘testicles’ otherwise you better question your whole existence. I don’t share my dad’s views (let’s not criticise THEM because THEY will take away my pension, let’s not vote for opposition because THEY will take my pension away, etc) because those are the very scare tactics used by previous politicians to subdue the rakyat. (‘Coward of the County’ (by Kenny Rogers - please listen to it .)

8) I am concerned that of late, EXTREMISTS like Isma, Perkasa and possibly one or two government-linked religious bodies are getting bolder in actually being seditious and promoting disharmony and when the brave ones like Eric Paulsen, Ambiga Sreenevasan, Teresa Kok and others speak up, they are instead being charged with sedition.

Everybody in Malaysia (and his dog) allegedly knows that our judiciary is questionable, enforcement is selective and politics stinks - and all will have a few beers and bitch about it behind the scene. Not many will stand up and say it aloud because of self-preservation fears. If all of us did this, they the bullies will keep bullying.

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”

- Abraham Lincoln

And hence, I speak up. May God (whichever) have mercy on me.

RAMESH RAJARATNAM is an idealist.