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I refer to the letter Muslims have right to choice of religion in which the writer says:

'The Syariah Court should be made to realise that even in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and other all Middle Eastern countries, there are Muslims who are allowed to take Christianity as their religion. Even Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim nation, allows its citizens to choose their own religion."

The writer of this argument should look at the meaning of being a 'Muslim". A Muslim is a person who is a follower of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) i.e. someone who professes Islam as his/her religion.

A Muslim who chooses to profess any other religion is an apostate and therefore not a Muslim. Islam says there is no compulsion, which is true, but this would only apply to non-believers who want to convert to Islam.

Once a Muslim always a Muslim. To be a Muslim, one to must take the oath of the Shahadah and then there is no turning back.