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Things are not well in our nation. Over the last 12 months, the rakyat have been reading of hideous cases of brutal rape and insensible murders. Each day, we read news of snatch thefts, break-ins and robberies.

There is certainly a feeling that security and safety are no longer certain. The rate of crime has definitely increased. It is not the police who are totally at fault although a more disciplined and well-equipped police force would certainly make a difference.

These are all symptoms of a materialistic generation. Let's face it, over the last 20 years, we have been in a race to value mega-projects over simple ideals, tall buildings over strong principles, ill-gotten gain over principled ethics, and corruption over honest living.

I heard Pak Lah on RTM's on the Bersama PM programme once. He talked about the values he believes in. Fitnah he says is murder and Islam detests corruption and fitnah . When we spread lies and wrongly accuse another via SMS, e-mail or whatever medium, it is fitnah he says.

He said this to a question about the upcoming Umno elections, which in my mind means that it must be a real problem in the party. I recall the the Umno general assembly six years ago when a certain book was published and conveniently placed in each folder bag of the Umno delegates attending the meeting.

The title of the book was 50 Dalil Kenapa Anwar Tidak Boleh Menjadi PM . None of the allegations in the book have been proven but even so Anwar has served six wasteful years in prison.

It is clear to most that Anwar has been framed and been 'put away' to save the skins of VIPs who continue to abuse of the system. If Pak Lah truly believes what he preaches and is a man with a conscience then he should do what is right to clear Anwar's sullied name and restore him and his family to society.

Our leaders' values are eventually mirrored by the rakyat through government policies and rulings. The values that our previous PM and leaders displayed were those of prosperity and peace above all. And that the survival of the political party and their mega-projects was supreme.

Anyone who placed him or herself in the way would be destroyed. Businessmen and politicians slept together and continue to tickle one another at the expense of the rakyat.

Our coffers are near empty and our businesses hollow. Depending on graft and handouts, we live in a make-believe world. This culture of instant wealth and grandeur without substance is so deeply ingrained that not even Pak Lah can reverse it.

Pak Lah will have to begin to do the things that are right - not be pulled into politics of the day but to believe that he has been called to this position. Even if it means as a short-term PM.

Right the wrongs of the last two decades and bring healing back to the nation. Tell the young people that it is not right to destroy a man just because he disagrees with you.

Restore the dignity of the judiciary and allow the judges to review the case of Anwar Ibrahim, and to release him if they so decide.

If Pak Lah truly fears God as he says, then he must do what is right. He must be a man of conscience.

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