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The growing expression of racial sentiments and rhetoric in our beloved country are a cause for concern. The overt display of our imposing views and assertion of rights of each quarter are seeing a surge of conflict that may be detrimental to the social fabric of our multi-racial society.

However, Christians for Peace and Harmony in Malaysia (CPHM) believes the emerging scenario is avoidable. We believe that the potential for peace and harmony is greater than that of division and disintegration.

CPHM is confident that every citizen of diverse ethnic and religious background is able to safeguard and accentuate the unique attribute of coexistence established by the founding fathers of Malaysia. CPHM believes that this potential can be realised by every individual in our community doing his or her part to promote mutual understanding, tolerance and acceptance among each other.

CPHM urges everyone to focus on peace and harmony as positive sentiment override to enhance nation building. The rich diversity of multi-ethnic groups in Malaysia places a demand on us as citizens of the nation to find amicable ways of living together peacefully and harmoniously. We believe it is important to support all efforts to find an amicable solution to the current tension.

CPHM’s belief of possible and attainable coexistence is the result of our recent experiences through the various engagements we had with people of all races and faith. The evidence was seen at the launching of CPHM in June where 1,200 leaders of all faiths and community celebrated peace and harmony together.

Muslims and Christians were able to break-fast together in Klang where we shared the meaning of fasting from religious perspective; the Hari Raya breaking fast, open houses and dialogue with Perkasa; the interfaith mammoth dinner of 1,200 people in Segamat and the recent vibrant and joyous celebration of the Malaysia Day Peace and Harmony dinner attended by 600 people in Penang are signs of community peaceful and harmonious coexistence.

We must admit that we cannot achieve total unity, but every move towards racial integration is a consolation to every citizen and the nation.

CPHM urges every individual to work towards redemption and reconciliation for the healing of our land. We need to create an environment where peaceful and harmonious coexistence will be upheld. We must cease from self-imposing and self-righteousness, allowing our concern and love for the nation be expressed in love and forgiveness, giving each other space for repentance and restitution.

REV WONG KIM KONG is chairperson, Christians for Peace and Harmony in Malaysia (CPHM).

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