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It saddens me to see various consistent moaning and complaints about Malaysian Airline System Bhd’s (MAS) or Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAB) by its staff, especially those who have been retrenched .

After all, if an employee is not happy with the employer, then seek other employment. It is as simple as that but it seem that since 98 percent of of former MAS employees accepted MAB’s appointment, then these 98 percent by right should be grateful, stop complaining, and strive to ensure that MAB does not become a failure.

After bleeding the taxpayer’s coffers dry over the last 10 years or so with various restructuring including the Widespread Asset Unbundling (WAU) which transferred a lot of liability and risk to Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad and still failed and the few attempts after that, it is time to self-reflect on how come none of this has succeeded.

In fact, the WAU created a misleading financial reporting where massive cost have been ‘transferred’ away at taxpayers’ expense but still MAS’s performance continued to be lacklustre.

While it is quite easy to blame the top management for the accumulated losses, surely all personnel share the burden and responsibility for these losses. Whether a company is successful or otherwise depends on all employees, not just top management or ground staff. Everyone shares the blame for the unsuccessful turnaround attempts.

I hear some of those who were responsible for the running of MAS in the past are now very vocal in giving opinions, what were they doing when they were running it in the past? The mind wonders, right?

In spite of that, all those who was retrenched was given generous retrenchment package by any industry standards, I hear some even became instant millionaires.

All these are taxpayers monies MAS ex-employees have been reasonable compensated, while the rest of us lose jobs and try and make ends meet, some without any compensation package at all.

Of course keeping their jobs would be better but failing that, at least they have some money in the pocket for some time until they sort their life out. So stop moaning please because when I left my last job in 2002, the only thing I got to take home was a couple of pens, pencils, personal desk trinkets and the coffee mug.

Dedication and perseverance pays off

When my current company restructured due to severe business downturn in 2009, I lost my full-term employment without compensation. Luckily I was offered yearly renewable contract in 2009 but as I continued to be dedicated, persevered, rectified past failures and continued to show loyalty, my contract was renewed until today. Yes, I did not abandon ship when it looked like it was sinking and was eventually rewarded.

Coming back to former MAS staff and current MAB staff matter, surely they cannot expect for taxpayers to continuously fund the losses to the tune of billions yearly? How about the rest of us?

These funds could be better used to subsidised education, partially pay off National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) loans of deserving hardcore poor student, subsidise and improve mass transport, better flood mitigation projects and the list goes on. It is time we think of the country rather than selfish personal interest.

While writing, I also hope that our government will once again make it mandatory for all government, statutory bodies, agencies, government-linked companies (GLCs), government-linked investment companies (GLICs) and all other agencies or companies supported by taxpayer funds to only use MAS for their travel and only use other airline if MAS has no service to their destinations.

It seems many are travelling in other airlines, especially Middle Eastern ones, as their cabins are newer and more attractive. That’s all fine, but if taxpayers are paying, then make it compulsory to use only MAS. This is only fair so that the load factor in MAS is maximised and there is less outflow of our currency. Better still, if patriotism is shown by all the cabinet ministers and their families by flying MAS.