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Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) is disappointed with the decision reached by the court in the prosecution of police officers that allegedly caused the death of N Dharmendran in police custody.

In April 2016, the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission (EAIC) delivered a substantive report on the death of Dharmendran. The report’s findings suggest that some police officers were directly or indirectly involved with altering documentations and evidences relating to the death of Dharmendran.

Further, the report also highlights the weak links in the operating procedures of the Royal Malaysian Police on custodial death and recommended for actions to be taken against officers responsible for illegally altering documentations and records relating to Dharmendran’s detention.

In light of the availability of clear evidence indicating complicity, it is of paramount importance that criminal sanction made against all those responsible for causing the death of Dharmendran. With the clear evidence of physical violence against the deceased, failure to prosecute would be a travesty of justice. If the prosecution is incapable of producing sufficient evidence for a charge of murder, the prosecution must re-evaluate its approach to the case.

To this end, Suaram urges the prosecution to seek an appeal against the decision by the courts and ensure that justice is done. Suaram reiterate our previous call for prosecution for other officers that were complicit in altering the evidences relating to the death of Dharmendran and ensure that all that were involved with the case would not escape justice.

SEVAN DORAISAMY is executive director, Suaram.