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With the many arguments put forward on the subject of the tudung , I must say that it is unfair to blame women should sexual assaults occur against them if they do not don one.

We do not blame people who are robbed or mugged by saying that they exposed their wealth. If we were to use the principle of the tudung, then are we saying that the rich should hide their wealth?

It occurs to me that, at the root of this matter is the 'logic' that if the eye does not see, the mind is not tempted. I wonder then if a blind man is therefore not attracted to women, because he cannot see. How about those who are attracted by the mere sound of a female voice?

Some of society's rules of behaviour are based on prejudice. I remember that the Taliban in Afghanistan, required that every male have a generous beard. But some races have a genetic make-up where the profuse growth of body hair is absent.

Surely in a free and modern society, dressing should be a matter of discipline and taste. People should have the sense to dress moderately taking into account the time and place.

Don't forget that in the olden days, women of certain ethnic groups in Sarawak and Bali were bare-breasted. Were they inviting sexual assault?