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Honestly, I think we've had enough of Edmund Terence Gomez in malaysiakini . For weeks, not a day passes by without news of him. Several letters regarding him are posted daily in your Letters forum.

Are there is no other more pressing issues at stake, or is no one else writing to malaysiakini about other issues? If so, then there's something wrong with malaysiakini - you don't seem to be a sounding board for others anymore, except for people who are merely seeking popularity or sympathy.

But the rest of us want to see some pertinent issues being raised and brought up in your Letters section while we are still clicking on to your website. And yes ... the same thing about Gomez applies to Anwar Ibrahim too.

I think you have a bad editorial policy of glorifying an individual, or quoting and re-qouting some individuals and sources until the rest of us are sick of hearing their names. Honestly, when we see these overused sources, we just don't bother to click on the stories. Sorry, but this is the truth.

For example, the Gomez affair. I think you should go beyond the man and start digging up the real issues of racial discrimination, cronyism and nepotism at public universities. Interview others, write critical analyses of it, do research and come out with a full and more indepth story.

Not just interview the man over and over again. What's wrong with you? When you see the mainstream newspapers have Abdullah Ahmad Badawi constantly on their front pages, what do you think? Well, the same goes for your overused sources like Gomez and Anwar Ibrahim.

One day your readers may just ask whether these people have an influence on your editorial policies. Are they your shareholders for example? Well, you may cringe at the thought but perception is perception, and you must be well aware how ordinary Malaysians think.

There are so many vital issues that need to be addressed. And they are not even being carried by the mainstream newspapers. For a pointer, don't go too far, just glance at the Screenshots blog and you'll see what you have been missing thus far.

Just click on Malaysia Today , and know for thyself that you are even lagging behind this website. What a shame.

I am writing with concern in my heart. Or else why should I even bother? It's sad to see a good outfit like malaysiakini go to waste. There are good stories about the rakyat, about real people who are suffering - stories on women, workers and poverty just to name a few, which are either ignored, simplified or given very low prominence by your media.

You overemphasise stories on politics. But your stories on politics lack the flavour as they merely parrot what one politician says about another, and it is usually about what the opposition says about the government.

This makes your paper look like a newsletter of the DAP, only that it is pretending to be an independent news website. Do you know that we have to rely on mainstream newspapers to get views from the other side? Then what would be the difference between you and a mainstream newspaper?

Five years have passed and please don't give us excuses like threats or pressure from the government, or that you have been barred from attending press conferences, or that you have limited journalists at hand.

The Malaysian government has been considerably kind and flexible with regards to you considering that you don't even have a press permit. I see you easily and happily covering news, even from Parliament, news which is of no consequence to the reader's heart.

It's time for you to re-think. You should select stories which are newsworthy and pertinent to set you apart from the other media. I really think that it's time to review and evaluate critically your editorial policies and style of management.

You seem to have become your own enemy. No one's trying to close you down, no one's after you, it's just your state of mind. Your mind set is not advancing malaysiakini to a higher level.

Hope this letter sees the light of day. Prove that you admit your shortcomings and accept criticisms from the public.