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After a long 16 days, there have yet to be any word from our law enforcement authorities regarding the whereabouts of Pastor Raymond Koh. For Pastor Raymond to be abducted in broad daylight in an urban township by seemingly ‘trained, professional’ assailants - if that can happen to a peaceful ‘man of the cloth’ going about a very mundane Malaysian task of delivering belacan to a friend, what is there to say anyone of us are still safe and secure any more?

Malaysians from every walk of life need to stand up and be counted so that the authorities know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we do not accept the disappearance of anyone being just snatched off our streets and the authorities seemingly unable to provide any answers.

With nearly all our major traffic junctions and main highways having good closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera coverage, why is there still no leads to the kidnapping or where the many ‘expensive SUVs’ involved have seemingly disappeared to?

If the video recording of the actual kidnapping apparently thus far has not helped the police make any breakthrough, just wondering if it may be time to release the video to the general public who may be able to identify and notice things, people and happenings that may have been overlooked.

Also have the eyewitnesses to the kidnapping been able to describe the physical appearance of any of the kidnappers - if so, was there any sketch or photo-fit of the suspect or suspects? If there is, why have this info not been released to the general public who may be able assist the police in identifying the people involved?

So as a fellow pastor and countryman, I do feel that more concerned Malaysians irrespective of race, religious affiliation, political inclinations or social status need to speak out - loudly and clearly to make their voices heard by the people-in-charge holding them answerable for what’s done or not done.

Reminding all Malaysians what Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) wrote not so long ago:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out -
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.

I can easily substitute Pastor Raymond for any of the people described above and it will just be as applicable and relevant today, now and in our nation.

So my appeal is to all concerned Malaysians to stand up and speak out not only for Pastor Raymond’s disappearance but what it represents as a harbinger to what the future holds for our beloved nation - Malaysia. If a peace-loving pastor can just be snatched off our streets in broad daylight, who may be next?

If we choose to remain silent because it does not involve or affect us, then we have silently and unwittingly become party to the act itself through our very silence and inaction. As Edmund Barke said very poignantly, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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