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Dear God, Malaysia needs your help - what say you...

Our beloved country has encountered a number of disasters in the last few years. Some were termed as natural and some man-made.

But if we really analyse the mud floods (in 2013 and 2014) and the bauxite ecological disaster, it points back to pressure on the environment due to man-made activities that leads to its occurrence. What about the numerous bus crashes such as in the Cameron and Genting Highlands... the severity of the dengue epidemic in 2016 and of course, the aircraft disasters in 2014-2015?

What comes to mind is the repetitive occurrence of most of the incidents listed above.

At hand now is the diplomatic spat with North Korea. Not too long ago, we had one with Myanmar (Burma). Let us pray that it will not escalate to something very serious and beyond control that would lead to disastrous effects.

The question now, is Malaysia ready and prepared to solve or mitigate these issues? Are we addressing these issues head-on or do we want to employ a mending stance? Unconscionable statements made by members of the cabinet and other persons of authority are not at all pointing to the latter.

Did we not first moot the idea of creating a ‘Global Movement of Moderates’ (GMM)? It received world-wide acclaim.

Can we now put into practice what we said about moderation i.e. acceptance and respect... about mutual understanding and the celebration of the rich dimensions of diversity? Acceptance of diversity, more than tolerance, is the key to peaceful co-existence. This will avoid conflict and discontentment. Hopefully, this is not an elusive goal.

Just like to avoid the mud slides, we have to ensure that the integrity of the hillsides are preserved, over here, we need to ensure the integrity of the diplomatic apparatus are preserved and look out for ways to seek amicable solutions. If we do not have local expertise, do shout for help.

‘Heavy rains’ and further damaging statements will not solve the problem. All of us have an inescapable responsibility to avoid further conflicts.

Over-emphasising sovereignty while ignoring our urgings for moderation is not what is needed now. Proper management of our emotions will have positive effects.

Let us put into practice the ‘Wasatiyyah’ concept that the prime minister promoted.

Let us disseminate disaster control education to all and act accordingly?

The best preparation or planning should be accompanied by the belief that “they plot (plan), but Allah (also) plotteth; and Allah is the best of plotters” (Al-Anfaal: 8:30). It is our duty to first of all to make the necessary efforts aimed at ensuring peace and safety.

“Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequences of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness).” (Ar-Rum, 30:41)

Do you think God will help us?

What say you...