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I cannot but agre e with MSY that the time is ripe for a new social contract that stresses on being Malaysian rather than giving weight to our ethnic origins. We have had enough of ethnic politics and for this to go on for another generation is to admit failure in our nation-building efforts.

After over 30 years of the NEP, it is only appropriate that we look at improving the lot of all poor Malaysians. There may be sections where some ethnic stress should be given and no one will begrudge such an emphasis.

We have to move beyond visions and platitudes. Structural changes are needed and all the more, a new political emphasis. I pray that Keadilan under the leadership of Anwar Ibrahim will give impetus to this platform.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. There are many weak links that need addressing and corruption is definitely high on the agenda. Checks and balances are called for and Parliament has to become more of a chamber for dialogue and change rather than being a rubber stamp.

An independent judiciary and an Anti-Corruption Agency will do so much to lift the spirit of many Malaysians. We have to move away from the Barisan Nasional concept where the coalition remains merely an umbrella body with power resting with only the several ethnic parties.

The time has come for us to transcend the politics of ethnicity. What is the legacy that we are leaving for our children if we continue in the present pattern?

We must rekindle Jaafar Onn's vision when he moved to form the Independence of Malaya Party which based on non-sectarian ideals. Perhaps the time was not ripe then for such a move but any politician worth his salt must be both visionary and have big ideals.

The time for a typhoon of change is near and perhaps Anwar is the person best suited to lead this initiative. Keep articulating Malaysian concerns and we will back you in more ways than you can realise.

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