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I feel every strongly about the recent execution of a 25-year-old man in Singapore for his first offence of trafficking in 400 grams of drugs. The usual spin by the Singaporean government was that the heroin would amount to making 26,000 shots to kill 26,000 lives is sheer nonsense.

But, though Cecil Rajendra I am not, I would like to poke Singapore's soul-less arrogance with a little poem I have managed to pen (the 'hug' refers to the Singapore government's hard hearted refusal to grant the mother of the condemned man a final hug of her son before he was hanged).

For god's sake, he was only 25.

In a perfect country

a perfect country

of immense wealth;

wants for nothing,

save compassion

a perfect country

spick and span;

no dirt! not even

messy feelings

a perfect country

financial centre,

shipping Mecca,

Darfur of mercy

a perfect country

of resolute leaders;

articulate and brainy,

but missing a heart

a perfect country

of rules and laws;

Ok to do this that,

but mustn't hug

a perfect country

of rugged people;

fit, strong, healthy,

but without a soul