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After hearing tonight's news that the widow of L/Kpl M Moorthy had no right to claim her husband's body because he became a Muslim is shocking. I am dismayed at the court's attitude to the rights of non-Muslims and those who challenge the Syariah Court because of their loved ones' change of faith.

Is it not right for a wife who cared for her husband who was paralysed and in coma to have the death ceremony of her husband in peace? Why must the Islamic authority intervene to disallow this right of the wife?

Is it right to alienate the family of the dead man? Did the Islamic authority care for him as did his wife during his hour of need, or is this irrelevant? Is his conversion the utmost importance or to accord the widow a peaceful death ceremony as per the family's wish?

I can't understand how Kaliammal, the widow of the deceased, has no right of remedy in a civil court as mentioned by senior federal counsel Mohd Nasir. This is a gross injustice!

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