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I refer to your report 9MP Positive and negatives responses . As a consumer advocate I am glad that the government has finally acknowledged that the Indian community has been completely marginalised.

I have been saying so in chorus with many others despite certain members of the political parties saying otherwise. Will there now be light at the end of the tunnel for Indian Malaysians with the government administrators and the politicians seriously doing something to alleviate the problems that saddle the community?

Will those who are dominant in the Malaysian political life and the civil service make provisions to change the image of the civil service to reflect the composition of 'Malaysian truly Asia' or is that all part of just of a spin to attract the 'tourist ringgit?'

Indians have lost further ground as Indian equity has reduced to 1.2 percent from 1.5 percent and yet we have Indian leaders in the government boasting of grand plans for the community. One has even stated that they are all are waiting how the 9MP would be translated to increase Indian equity and I have just this to say to them.

They can wait till the cows come home as nothing is going to change because they themselves have refused to change their political mindsets. Many serve themselves and their relatives rather than the community; they give bold speeches and promises but the community has been left too far back to make any inroads or impact. Unless something along the lines of an affirmative programme is introduced and monitored by third party Indian professionals (not political parties!).

If the present drive continues, Indian Malaysian have gone into a very dark tunnel and I do not see any light at the end of the said tunnel. Even a simple application for a business license is met by the 'political demand' that unless our firms have a 70 percent bumiputera equity, we will be rejected.

How are companies with professional managers and owners, adequate finances and track record able to compete then in this form of perverse environment? I will tell you honestly my wife and I have told our children that we will do our best for them to receive tertiary education abroad but have called on them not to come back because as we see there is no future for them here in Malaysia if things continue in the direction it is moving today.

More so when there is already a widespread belief that Indonesians, Caucasians and other migrant groups married to a politically dominant race have more rights than our families who have been here for more than five generations.