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I refer to the letter Hezbollah, Hamas misread tea leaves again

The much disputed land in Palestine and Lebanon was only controlled by the Zionist for 73 years during the time of King David and King Solomon before the birth of Christ. Basically, the whole land was in the sphere of the Ottoman empire since 1516AD and was predominantly Arabic or Muslim. The total population of Jews in the Palestine region in 1931 was 174,606.

The Ottoman law required the registration of agriculture land which was not done by the Arabic and Muslim peasants and therefore, the National Jewish Fund was able to muscle its way through and buy over the land of these peasants. These peasants were displaced by their upper class and Jewish settlers who had a hidden agenda.

Then came the Balfour Declaration's (the British again) divide and rule. The British and the Americans were creative in creating a Zionist state in Palestine. Although the Arabs tried to revolt, they were crushed by the British.

In 1948, with the backing of Britain and the US, Israel declared itself a state although it only owned less than six percent of Palestine.

Then came1967 and the expansion plans of Israel. And that has gone on for time immemorial. The whole world sits and watches annexations by Israel over and over again because it is backed by the two most powerful nations in the world.

I have nothing against Jew or Arab, I am neither, but why be a hypocrite when knowing the actual facts? You have four million people who died in genocides and civil war in Congo and nobody really cares because there is no economical benefit nor has it the 'political flair'.

At the end of the day, it does not matter who is right or wrong but it is about doing the right thing. Even after almost 100 years, if you feel you are right, fight the cause and it prevail for the future generations. You must have a cause and a reason, otherwise just live with the situation.