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Until today, Malaysia has been a model Islamic nation because it has relatively decent socio-economic figures, parliamentary democracy, good literacy rates, and freedoms of thought and religious beliefs. It has a fairly competitive and diversified economy, and decent education levels.

Of course, it could be better with less corruption, less racism, a more independent judiciary, a more accountable government bureaucracy, better checks and balances, and freer press. Many OIC countries are characterised by government banditry where political-military elites simply divide up the spoils and state resources with no thought of concern for the rights and welfare of ordinary citizens.

Many OIC countries are riven by rampant corruption, poverty, violence, illiteracy, and sickening human rights abuses. No Arab country has a free press, parliamentary democracy, independent judiciary nor practices a meritocractic system. Every single regime within the OIC uses Islam to muster credibility, authority, and respectability - political and religious - in the eyes of its devout voters. The more corrupt the regime the more it will hide behind religion.

The process of Islamisation in Malaysia is being watched apprehensively by non-Muslims as PAS and Umno compete for power. Whereas Umno wins votes by being defenders of the race, PAS competes for votes by being defenders of the religion.

The state of 'fitnah-menfitnah' and accusations of apostasy between Umno and PAS is typical of what happens in basket case OIC countries. To spice things up, both PAS and Umno will say many things need 'defending' because there is a 'threat', and you do not have to be a genius to know that the non-Malays and non-Mulsims worry about being demonised come every election.

After all, you have to be 'defending' against something, and not just nothing. When an elderly American couple can have their privacy invaded, and dignity challenged in Langkawi by Muslim religious authorities, and when a Catholic church can be besieged by a Muslim mob and when death for apostates is being publicly debated by government-appointed university academics and muftis, then the direction Islamisation is taking in Malaysia is extremely worrying for everyone.

People are far more willing to become emotional, suspend their better judgement, and resort to violence over religious matters than any other issue. In several OIC countries, prominent devout Muslims supporting secularism and liberal Islam have been shot and murdered after being accused of apostasy, and being traitors to the religion.

Malaysia cannot remain a successful model Islamic nation if its citizens do not uphold the principles of justice, equality, freedom, peace, non-violence, and dignity. More to the point, in the absence of secularism, it may become extremely difficult for Malaysia to remain a model Islamic nation as the state of 'fitnah-menfitnah' intensifies and 'death for apostasy' is screamed aloud by competing politicians and ulama, a situation not uncommon in the most backward of OIC countries.

Before secularism arose in Christian Europe and brutal religious wars raged between Catholics and Protestants in every country, the Muslims and Arabs were way ahead in nearly every field of development - science, technology, economics, philosophy, arts and literature.

After secularism (separation of church and state) was established, intra-religious warfare between Catholics and Protestants ceased, and secular Western nations totally overtook the accomplishments of the Middle East in every field of endeavor.

If by chance the West has stumbled upon those values, institutions, and mechanisms of governance that enabled its civil societies to progress from backwardness to peace and justice allowing its citizens to enjoy good governance, material prosperity, basic freedoms and human rights, then it would be smart on our part to learn from them.

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