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I refer to the malaysiakini report Samy: ' If you want it, pay for it' . I wonder if S Samy Vellu knew what he was talking when he said that.

Dear Samy, are you aware that we have been paying our dues diligently year in, year out? And what have you been doing with the taxes collected? In telling us that we would reach our destinations 'after Hari Raya' if we use the federal roads, you are simply exposing your stupidity.

With billions collected in the form of road tax, you could have used the funds to upgrade the federal truck road linking the north and south to at least a two-lane highway. As a very senior minister who had been holding the same post for many years, you could have foreseen the traffic problems.

But you choose not to. This reflects poorly of your administration. If federal roads had been upgraded to two-lane highways, at least poor commuters have a choice and then you are justified in issuing the statement, 'If you want it, pay for it'. Until such time, you better keep your mouth shut.

Sometimes, I really wonder whether all our elected representatives are aware that they are voted into power to take care of our needs and not to treat us like idiots.

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