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I read with interest this great debate in malaysiakini about the usage of what I think is the most beautiful greeting 'Assalamualaikum'. As most of us know, it simply means 'Peace be with you' and the reply 'Walaikumsalam' means 'And peace be unto you too'.

In my humble opinion, it has to be one of the most beautiful greetings in the world. It sure beats the meaningless 'Hello' or 'Hiya'.

Much has been written and debated among Muslims and non-Muslims, and like what some writers have mentioned, Middle Eastern Muslims are surprised that we non-Muslims in Malaysia are forbidden from uttering these greetings.

I remember more than 10 years ago when newspapers here published a news report claiming that that non-Muslims were forbidden from saying 'Assalamualaikum' or any Quranic phrases like 'Insya-allah' or 'Alhamdulilah' as they were for the exclusive use of Muslims and that non- Muslims using such terms would be considered 'making a mockery of Islam'.

I remember quite clearly that such a thing occurred because I said 'Assalamualaikum' and my father chided me that 'you can get into trouble for saying that in public'.

I have encountered Muslims who think I am a Muslim and greeted me and I just stared back at them and just said 'Hello'. I have wondered if it was rude of me as they had wished peace on me while I could only say a meaningless 'Hello'. Of course, I chose to take the more politically correct way lest I be accused of making a mockery of Islam.

A few weeks ago, a high-ranking British military personnel visited Malaysia and pictures of him clasping his hand like a Muslim (though clearly he is not one) while the 'Doa' was being recited were splashed all over the papers. He was not chided but praised for respecting the occasion.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad during the time when he was prime minister, had kissed Pope John Paul II's ring when he was granted an audience in the Vatican. I praise Mahathir for this because although he is a Muslim, he had accorded the respect anyone, regardless of religion, should to the head of the Vatican. It did not make him less of a Muslim. In fact, he is a gentleman.

I won't repeat here what Middle Eastern Muslims have to say about their greeting being cultural. Why can't our fellow Malaysians see that as well? Anyway, just for good measure, I wish my fellow Malaysians, Peace be with you!