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We are in the 21st century and moving rapidly forward in the world of globalisation and technology. The relevance of race-based parties would become irrelevant in few years to come but our local political parties are reluctant to accept the reality that this will be the fact. For a start, it would be good if multi-racial parties like Gerakan start promoting the concept of multi-racialism with PPP, SUPP, PBS, LDP and other relevant parties following up on it.

Having one big multi-racial coalition comprising of like-minded multi-racial parties will have many advantages in the terms of diversity of thoughts, manpower, effective management, organisational impact and other matters.

Gerakan leaders must promote and sell their concept and objectives to other parties to enable them to understand and explore areas of cooperation and understanding. Petty issues should not cloud the main objective and mission of establishing a new multi-racial coalition.

There shouldn't be any one upmanship in discussing this relevant issue and the down line members must toe the line of their party's central committee in any decision.

The country has marched 50 years forward in nation-building and yet the political will to form a multi-racial coalition is seriously lacking. We must leave the younger generation a legacy built on the virtues of a Bangsa Malaysia that exists in harmony in the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood.