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I refer to the malaysiakini report Revathi: Toughest experience in my life .

We have read about Islam as non-compulsive, compassionate and considerate. We have heard the Islamist scholars and ulama talk the same as with our prime minister with his Islam Hadhari. But look at the case of M Revathi. Where has the compassion, non-compulsion, kindness and other virtues gone in her case?

And also in other similar cases where compulsory retention and rehabilitation is forcefully and firmly administered. It does not speak good of the religion when national leaders and the religious courts do portray Islam as a peaceful and merciful religion.

The level-headed Islamic leaders, including the PM, are in the majority. They should be bold enough to take the task of rehabilitating the extremist religious leaders in the country who are definitely few in comparison to the moderates. Otherwise, we will soon have in our midst a Taliban-type of administration.

We have take corrective steps by looking at the turmoil in many Arab countries not forgetting Pakistan where the tail is wagging the dog. The moderate majority are silent as is the habit of human society. They must wake up and wake up soon for their own legitimate freedom and rights before these are buried by the few in command.

The Malay rulers, as heads of Islam in their states, should take the lead. Hope we will see the light at the end of the tunnel soon.

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