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I refer to the letter Killing of Koreans won't help Islam's image by Poor Malaysian.

The meaning of Taliban is student, and the word 'Taliban' was originally the plural form of the Pashto word for 'student' This group is from the 'Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement' used to rule Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001.

This reminds me of a student who killed 32 people and himself on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

He was Cho Seung-Hui, 23, a South Korean who was a resident alien in the United States and in his senior year as an English major. The question is why Cho's belief is not drag along together in this massacre.

Luckily Cho is not a Muslim. If not, the al-Qaeda will be blame for orchestrated this killings and put Islam again in the bad image.

Poor Malaysian said: "I am sure by now, all the Koreans in this world would be 'Islamphobic'. And who is to blame?"

Is Poor Malaysian speaking on behalf of the Koreans? The Koreans already knew the danger they will face and yet they decide to go to Afghanistan. Unlike the 32 people who was killed at the Virgina campus - given the choice, they would skip class that day.