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I refer to the malaysiakini report Rulers reject PM's choice for top judge .

It is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel that the Malay rulers have finally decided to have their say in the recent fiascos that has gone beyond the normal tolerance level of the public.

The rulers have finally realised that we as a nation are heading towards obscurity. They are now really living to the true manifestation of being the rulers.

The public has so much of respect for them irrespective of religion, race or creed. Our founding fathers were indeed visionaries as the Malay rulers are one of the pillars of the nation's unity and progress as opposed to the glory and gain of a few.

It is, of course, better late than never, and aren't we all are glad that the Malay rulers have finally decided to take a stand and voice their own dissent on various affairs that do not serve the

public's and nation's interests at large. Where do we go from here?

All Malaysians craving for unity should show solidarity with the rulers as they are supposed to be the true manifestations of equality, righteousness and faith - all for the good of the nation.

Although they have played the backbencher's role in the past, they are now coming forward and we should hand them our support for them to play a more pertinent role in moulding the future of the nation rather than moulding the future for a few.

The momentum is there and the moment is now. The rulers are behind us and as long as the public shows unity in not allowing race, religion or creed to divide us, we can prosper as a nation.

Kudos to the rulers, long live the rulers!

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