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I refer to the malaysiakini report Daily in hotspot over Jesus picture . I am Chinese by race, Malaysian by nationality and Christian by faith. I do not agree with anyone censoring Makkal Osai for publishing an image of Jesus Christ even though it was in bad taste.

There is enough intolerance as it is in the current political and religious climate of Malaysia. We should regard all statements and images - even if they are in bad taste - of Jesus Christ as a challenge and an opportunity to engage non-Christians in dialogue to explain the Gospel and our faith.

I want Christians in Malaysia to be known for their sense of tolerance, charity, religious conviction, commitment, and love but certainly not intolerance, humourlessness, insecurity or sensitivities. If other communities want to be overly sensitive or intolerant about these things, then that should be their choice.

Censorship should be kept to a minimum in a free society. Incidents such as the one involving Makkal Osai would have been a good opportunity for Christians in Malaysia to tell their curious non-Christian friends about what they really believe in our multi-racial and multi-cultural society.

The last thing we need is a politically-inspired media circus with police reports by the MIC with BN pretending as if it was genuinely interested in protecting the rights and sensitivities of its religious minorities.

We should do as much as we can to preserve the freedom of speech and expression for everyone.

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