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LETTER | Recently, a disturbing upskirt filming incident was reported to have happened at the Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT).

If any female student at TAR UMT believes she has been a victim of upskirting, she should immediately report the incident to the police as this is a criminal offence.

The perpetrator may be prosecuted under Section 509 of the Penal Code, which covers words or gestures intended to insult a person's modesty. The offender could face up to five years in prison, a fine, or both.

Furthermore, individuals found in possession of such upskirt photos or videos may face legal action under Section 292 of the Penal Code, which deals with the distribution or circulation of obscene materials – which could result in a sentence of up to three years in prison, a fine, or both.

I would like to urge TAR UMT’s management to take this matter seriously and conduct a thorough investigation. Students, particularly female students, are also encouraged to remain vigilant while on campus.

Writer is the Kepong DAP Youth chairperson

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