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With the general elections looming, and the failure to tackle ‘Korrupsi. Kronisme. Nepotisme’ painfully clear, the only card left to play is the race and religion card.

The time-tested strategy of demonising the non-bumiputera non-Muslims, and making oneself look righteous and pure, and a defender of the faith, and herding the Malay-Muslims into an imagined corner by instigating their fears and insecurities, and thereby inducing a block vote for Umno has never failed to win the incumbent regime another term.

The regime can do nothing else since they have lost all credibility with voters both non-bumiputera and bumiputera.

For as long as the paranoia of the Malay masses can be made to flourish just before the GE, then Umno will win big. This brings us to the real point of the ban on the use of the word ‘Allah’ by non-bumi non-Muslims. It gives the impression to Malay Muslims that Umno is doing a good job as a defender of the faith.

Even though the non-bumi non-Muslims are totally dominated by Malay Muslims in the cabinet, parliament, aristocracy, judiciary, military, police, civil service and logically-speaking the idea that the non-bumis are a threat is a non-starter, yet people like Fathima Idris feel the ban on the use of the word ‘Allah’ is entirely reasonable.

The fact that the ban is going ahead is indicative of the total success and effectiveness of the three decades old mass-media operated Umno-backed demonisation campaign against the minorities since Umno is betting that such a ban will be popular with the majority of Malay- Muslims.

In summary, Umno is betting that paranoia will once again win them the general elections handsomely, and it is right to do so, because playing the race card has always been a sure winner. Demonisation is the means, and paranoia is the goal, and the cost is to be borne by the non-bumi non-Muslims.

The ban on the use of the word ‘Allah’ by non-bumis is just another way for ethnic racial politicians to polish their nationalist credentials on the backs of the non-bumis. It is a great way for racial politicians to win a cheap majority of Malay-Muslim votes at the expense of the minorities.

Nobody in their right minds seriously thinks that the use of the word Allah by a small minority of Malay speaking Christians is a threat to the totally dominant Malay-Muslim majority.

As a member of the ethnic minority, I have every reason to fear the cynical manipulation of the mass media. I fear the paranoia of the majority.

I have never met Fathima, I but I do feel she has seriously missed the bigger picture.