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‘I wish for Woman to live, first for God’s sake’

- Margaret Fuller (nineteenth-century Woman)

Amina, ‘ my own life

is dead. I stare blindly

out of the 2 sockets

of these eyes, in the 2

columns of a newspaper

I hear 2 shots. And then

C-4 Explosives. I see red.

Amina, ‘ my own life .’

your still blue lips articulate

the poverty of spirit

the profanity, the nothingness

of Poetry - of Woman-

in Malaysia where the

zealous call

for Prayer only

5 times daily .

2 shots. And C-4

explosives next, screaming

Murder, accelerating,

Escalating even e.e.cummings

Notion on She the equation

on Woooooo-man being

like Brand…(XIX)

crashing her like a car

blasting her like a bar

using her like a shield

shooting her in a field

even on deaf ears

5 calls sound callous.

Amina, ‘ my own life ’ in

white shroud outrages

the modesty of God,

mourn now the color red

made in-auspicious

the color of Amina, ‘ my own


’ dead.

Amina, ‘my own life

Altantuya! Altantuya!

Altantuya! Altantuya!


when the poetry of

a woman’s blood is poured

in an arbitrary way cry out:

Tanah tumpahnya darah ku

when you tie a red knot around

your neck minister to my heart

call out:

Tanah tumpahnya darah ku

when you hear 5 calls for prayer

2 shots. And the C-4 explosive

shed tears:

Tanah tumpahnya darah ku

weep for Amina, My own life, first for

God’s sake, I wish for Woman

to live.

Then for Justice,

Call 5 times, daily .

that sounds the same in Mongolian, Russian, French and English.

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