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I refer to Abdul Wahab Ghany’s comments about me with regards to Hindraf.

Yes, I am pure Malay and am proud of it. I even spell my name very Malay-style and I can trace my origin beyond seven generations here. I hope you can.

Never did I ever say anywhere that I support Hindraf. But I do strongly support their right to gather and voice their dissatisfaction because I am also proud of living in a democracy. And I am not too afraid to listen, to learn and to help rather than to condemn and freak out.

Unlike Abdul Wahab, under no circumstances do I feel threatened by the Indians. Should I? I am part of a majority; should I so easily feel being threatened by a minority group? And by my fellow Malaysians at that?

Perhaps the Hindraf episode has revealed the insecurities of Malays like those of the writer.

When I was young, my tiny little brother challenged me to a fight over who should get to ride the bicycle to school. I would have beat him up if not for my grandfather laughingly chiding my ego for being so easily bruised by someone weaker than me.

He reminded me that my weaker little brother is also my responsibility. I had then to ‘carry’ him on the bike to school everyday and we became very close because of that.

Get the drift, sir?

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