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You are a national shame, Malaysiakini . You are all typically Malaysian or rather, not a free speech press. My letter will not see light of day on your site and you are no better than the government-owned press.

Yours is an opposition-owned press, and like the lallang you sway to the wind. When Anwar Ibrahim was part of the government that banned you all, and you all were operating from the States or wherever, you condemned the government.

Now you operate from here so openly but no kudos to the Government, just more heaping of scorn onto them You whole site is dedicated to being anti-government - where do you stand?

Free speech? I think it is a conspiracy of the highest kind and no different than the government press. I’ve yet to see an article where you are unbiased. At least I see a few in the government press.

We have a saying for this and it is the ‘pot calling the kettle black ‘ Watch your ‘free press’ status if a new government happens. Humans? Well, they never change like leopards can't change their spots. It’s a matter of who is in power, then the show starts.

PKR have already showed their attitude towards a free press and soon you will be up next. Your site becomes irrelevant once Anwar is in power and oh, and that guy RPK too. Or are you going to now attack them (PKR) as the government ?

I’ve probably been a Malaysian too long and seen too many bad things and continue to see what is going on. Your agenda is clear. I experienced this after independence it eventually lead to that sad day in 1969.

May the good Lord bless us and keep us safe. Whatever we have built over the last 20 years, one man, just one man has taken it down in his bid for power and Malaysiakini created history by being there.

When will you learn that change comes from within, and not from outside. Take a good look what is waiting for us going forward. A black hole!

I guess its our time. Malaysia was prosperous and politically sound, now we have to join the Asean crowd.

I admired your initial aim, but what is it now? Please write an article on your site and tell us the majority, what is your aim?

Editor's note: Our aim in Malaysiakini will not change regardless of who is in power. The role of an independent media is hold those in power accountable , be it Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat.