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Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should call for snap general elections now. If Pakatan Rakyat wins, it will be the greatest legacy that Abdullah can leave behind. Twenty-six million Malaysians will remember him with fondness and gratitude forever.

His competitors in Umno are going to kick him out in march 2009 if the speculation is true so he has nothing to lose anyway.

As far as public perception in Malaysia is concerned, Umno leadership transitions are cynical struggles about who will win absolute power and the right to line their own private pockets with billions of our taxpayers money.

As far as ordinary Malaysians are concerned, Umno's leadership transition has nothing to do with the idealistic struggle for the good of the common man and the nation. It has everything to do with the cynical immoral struggle to collect and abuse the rakyat - the rampant accumulation of mansions, luxury cars, filthy business practices, and obscene fat bank accounts.

Reaching the top of the greasy Umno pole is all about dividing the spoils that rightly belong to the masses of little people without open tender, without competition, and without any accountability.

Corruption is such a big word, and where politicians are concerned, I think we should stick to simpler words like theft, robbery and fraud, and as far as the public perception is concerned, that is the ultimate top prize of leadership in Umno.

Anyone who critisises the system will face trumped up charges or be harassed by the income tax auditors or ACA or jailed under the ISA, OSA or Sedition Act.

In the bad old days, Dr Mahathir would successfully hide his real motives behind the catch-all mantra of "protecting" the "bangsa" and "agama" or "national security" but this does not stupefy the masses anymore - thanks to the Internet and the concerted efforts of the brave Malaysian blogging community.

The term "political elite" in third world countries like Malaysia, Zimbabwe and Burma confers you the right to rob the little people - poor ordinary Malaysian voters like you and me - with impunity.

There will be no open tenders, no competition, no accountability, and you can take so-called private multi-billion dollar commissions into your private bank account on multibillion dollar government contracts.

You can award yourself contracts, tenders, and licenses, restrict competitors, and set up cartels and monopolies to enrich yourself, your cronies and your family members at the expense of poor hard working families.

In the meantime the little people will be saddled with very expensive (huge commissions) and low quality (no need to compete) cars, roads, redundant schools, hospitals, uninhabitable and unsafe buildings, leaking Parliament roofs, bridges, highways ...the list is endless.

The brilliant part of this corrupt perverse system is that you can always scapegoat anyone for any general downturn in the economy or political losses at the latest general elections.

The political elites jailed Raja Petra Kamarudin under the ISA without trial so I think everyone in Malaysia got the message that the Umno leadership wanted to convey - that is, do not criticise Umno's leaders or Umno can certainly get you too, and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Morality and decency has nothing to do with the past detentions of Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, and Teresa Kok or the current outrageous immoral unjustifiable detention of Raja Petra under the ISA despite what the spineless imbecilic mainstream news channels have tried to tell you.

To all those gullible voters who still believe the present Umno leadership can reform the system, I have only one thing to say to you - wake up and smell the coffee.

As for Abdullah, I hope he will act on my suggestion.

This is a golden opportunity to pay back the recalcitrant warlords and chieftains who blocked your attempts at reforms - feeble attempts though I might add.

Call for national general snap elections now.

If Pakatan wins, you will have the enduring gratitude of 26 million Malaysians.

If BN wins, well, the Umno leadership wannabes won't be able to kick you out so easily, will they?