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I refer to the Malaysiakini report Fatwa Council under fire for banning yoga .

The National Fatwa Council’s decision to ban yoga for Muslims was not surprising nor was it unexpected despite the tremendous public opposition to it from all Malaysians, especially the Muslims themselves.

The reason for the ban is on the grounds that yoga involves chants and acts of worship that were deemed un-Islamic.

The council has every right to decide on matters affecting Muslims but it should also take into consideration the sensitivities of others as well. In a country with a large non-Muslim population, it also has a duty to ensure that the delicate inter-religious relations are not adversely affected by unilateral decisions.

It would be wrong to assume that rulings affecting one religious group have no bearing on others living under the same roof. A great deal of tolerance and mutual respect is needed by all when dealing with religious sentiments.

Yoga is an ancient practice and although it has its roots in Hinduism, in Malaysia it has been practiced by Muslims and non-Muslims alike for years as a means of exercise and nothing more.

In fact it has become a popular form of exercise for city dwellers for whom time and space restraints and personal safety concerns prevent them from undertaking formal physical exercises.

Banning it outright only denies the Muslims an effective and affordable means to keep themselves healthy. By declaring it as haram and saying that it can ‘corrupt’ a person is very hurtful and demeaning; particularly in a multiracial and multi-religious nation with a significant non-Muslim population.

Malaysians of all faiths have practiced yoga together harmoniously in a non-religious manner for years and this ruling could be counterproductive as it would drive a wedge between those of different faiths.

To say that non-Muslims should not worry about this fatwa is being too myopic and unreasonable. How can we live in peace and harmony under one roof if one community is insensitive to the needs of another in the same environment?

Malaysians, despite their diversity have much in common. By emphasising differences, we would only be polarising the people further and that could lead to suspicion and even hate for members of other faiths. Why go out of the way to look for a few isolated differences among the people of different faiths and divide them?

Wouldn’t it be better to focus on the many common grounds we have as Malaysians, those that could unite us?

Non-Muslim Malaysians respect the right of the National Fatwa Council in protecting the interests of Muslims and are in no position to question its decisions as they do not bind the non-Muslims.

However, they are extremely disappointed that focusing of trivial differences is increasingly driving a wedge between the Muslims and the non-Muslims who have been living together harmoniously for so many years now.

Yoga has been one of these many unifying factors and it would be unwise to deny that for whatever reasons. All religions preach love for fellow men, which is essential for their peaceful coexistence in a country like ours.

Wouldn’t it be noble of us to overlook some minor differences among the people of different faiths for the overall well being of the nation in particular and for humanity in general?