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'BTN promotes unity? My foot'
Published:  Nov 27, 2009 7:55 AM
Updated: Nov 27, 2009 11:56 PM

your say 'I have attended this BTN course. It is a brainwashing session where they tell us that our country will be destroyed if we don't support BN. Learning about ‘1Malaysia', nationalism and unity'? My foot.'

No brainwashing in BTN courses, says Muhyiddin

Ministers defend 'racist' BTN courses

Gblk7277: I have attended this BTN course. Yes, it is a brainwashing session where they were telling us that the other races must get a lesser amount of ‘durian' because we are the ‘pendatang' and we had agreed to accept a lesser amount.

Therefore we could not question anything, just shut up and eat the ‘durian' you get or go back to China or India. It's very much politically biased and they were showing recordings of the Bersih and Hindraf rallies saying chaos will take place if we don't support BN.

And that our country will be destroyed. ‘Learning about 1Malaysia, about nationalism and unity'? My foot.

Camverra Jose Maliamauv: In the year 2000, during my first year at Universiti Teknologi Petronas, I was one of those selected to attend the Kem Bina Negara. We were sent to an army camp in Kedah.

Out of all the lectures and physical activities etc, I will always remember two main things. The first was a lecture and discussion during which the instructor concluded at the end that non- Malays should not question the special rights and privileges of the Malays and that we should just work harder to move up.

And secondly, during another lecture, one of the ‘threats to national security' that were highlighted was ‘parti politik baru' (a coincidence that this was the year after 1999?).

Jawahar Hassan: Everybody who attend BTN camps knew the exact nature of the BTN courses during which you are required to surrender all the handphones and recording devices to the person in charge. What's the reason behind this? Why such a rule? Is there anything to hide?

SameSame: Well, well, now our deputy prime minister is lying! Can he proof what he is saying is correct? You know what amazes me is that they still think we are like them - so gullible and stupid.

Well, our unwanted DPM, its obvious we are not stupid and we are not gullible. It's better you keep quiet instead of shooting yourself in your own foot (BN people love doing that it seems). ‘1Malaysia', my foot.

Chee Hoe Siew: Firstly, is there a law stating that civil servants and other public sector staff must attend these BTN camps? If not, then there is no need to even attend such propaganda camps.

Eagle: Publish the contents of the BTN course and let us decide whether it is a racial hatred and incitement programme. And stop telling us what is good for us, the rakyat. We can decide for ourselves and we can also decide on your future too when the time comes.

Lusiapa: Will past participants of such BTN courses step forward and give their testimony without fear or favour?

Is the Selangor education, higher education and human capital development committee chairperson giving an honest assessment of the situation or is the DPM denying something which is unbelievably true?

Obviously, one of them is not telling the truth. It is time that the liar be publicly exposed and condemned.

Giri: My blood is boiling. God, how can they lie like this?

Tkc: Mr Deputy PM, instead of ‘he say, I say', I suggest you publish the text of the BTN courses on the Internet so that we can judge for ourselves. Oh, and please do not tell us it is classified under the OSA.

S'gor rejects 'racist, indoctrinating' BTN

Azmil Tayeb: Bravo Selangor government for taking this progressive step. BTN is simply an organ of hate and shouldn't even be allowed to exist in the first place. True inculcation of citizenship values doesn't come from forced indoctrination, much less one that is racist in nature.

KLeo: I testify to BN's dirty indoctrination at BTN camps. Mine was in 2005 just after I left school. Words in the many ‘ceramah' included ‘Ketuanan Melayu' and ‘pendatang'. I remember being so angry with the camp facilitators that I almost argued with one of them in one of the discussion groups.

I don't know if this is true camp-wide, but I do know that my fellow course mates that went with me - both Malay and non-Malay - were equally disgusted with the camp officials.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Syabas, Selangor government you have walked the talk. Keep up the good work and the people will be with you in the next general election. It is good to see that we have some brave Malay leaders who are bold enough to set the country on the path to greater unity as Malaysians first. Syabas again.

Lim Chong Leong: The Pakatan Rakyat states should introduce anti-racism, equality and meritocracy programmes to build up our youngsters towards a global mentality to prepare them for a brighter, more competitive future. We urgently need to neutralise the negative impact of the BTN.

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