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Kerk: Mechanism needed to resolve sensitive issues

There is a need for the government to have in place a proper mechanism where sensitive religious and racial issues could be channeled and resolved peacefully.

kerk kim hock 03 Former national unity advisory panel member, Kerk Kim Hock, said at present, there was none.

“Where can the public go to resolve sensitive matters like the ‘Allah’ issue which resulted in the present spate of attacks on churches?” he asked.

“The government should have a mechanism in the form of a council or committee to hear and resolve such issues. This is imperative and in the interest of national unity.”

The council or committee which receives a complaint, should be empowered to investigate and resolve the issue or other sensitive religious matter,” he told Malaysiakini .

Kerk, a former DAP secretary-general and former MP said the recent attacks showed how extremists can be instigated and used to exploit a situation.

NONE “This can destroy the nation's peace and harmony as well as the country's image as a tolerant and progressive country, which has a majority Muslim population.

“Muslims are quite moderate and do not harbour any intention of committing such irresponsible acts. It is only this small group of extremists who are causing such problems,” he said.

However, Kerk felt the government must explain to the people, especially in West Malaysia that in Sabah and Sarawak, the word Allah has been used for a long time.

Panel should be reconstituted

Kerk proposed that the national unity panel be reconstituted to help address the problem.

“Members could engage in healthy debates on sensitive issues.Those appointed in their personal capacity can give their views freely and also gather invaluable feedback,” said Kerk.

“Meetings are conducted behind closed doors, thus there's no avenue to play to gallery. The feedback could be used as a guideline on how we could move forward.”

penang protest against herald police The former Kota Melaka parliamentarian also said what was important now was for all leaders regardless of their political affiliation to appeal for calm and maintain public order.

A church in Seremban has become the eighth in the country to have been damaged as a result of arson attempts.

Zaid: Inter-faith advisory council

PKR strongman Zaid Ibrahim, in his web posting, has also called for the formation of an inter-faith council as the present Umno and BN government were only good at making calls for unity, but not coming up with concrete plans to go about forging it.

“Three years ago we saw tensions rising in Everest climber M Moorthy and in the R Subashini cases. Umno and BN had not even come up with a formal policy to resolve it.

zaid ibrahim “That is why such religious and sensitive issues have not been resolved,” said Zaid.

“They threaten to use the ISA and fault others, or come up with a donation drive to rebuild the churches,” he said in reference to Najib's donation of RM500,000 to the Metro Tabernacle AG church in Desa Melawati, which suffered extensive damage in the arson attack.

Zaid said Umno and BN are arrogant in not wanting to hold a dialogue to discuss or resolve the problem.

What is wrong, he asked in forming a body or mechanism supported by the government to enable representatives from different faiths to sit down and resolve the issue through knowledge and common sense.

“If this is done within closed doors, they could give their honest and brave opinion towards resolving such a tense situation and avoid conflict without the use of court or the Home Minister, whom we know does not have the expertise to handle it,” he said.

Zaid, a former minister in the Prime Minister's Department, said the body if formed would be entrusted with giving advise.

inter faith commission 250205 vip looking on “I remember during former premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's time, he proposed the formation of an inter-faith council. However, it was rejected following pressure from Umno and other Islamic NGOs. Abdullah had agreed to its formation at the initial stage.

“Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak must be braved to revive this idea if he truly wants to see understanding and peace exist among the various races and religions. I am sure Pakatan Rakyat would support such effort.”

Sabah, Sarawak government must resolve

Zaid also questioned why the government and the Home Ministry are taking such action on the 'Allah' issue only now, when it was not a problem previously.

NONE He also asked why such issues were not raised before Sabah and Sarawak joined Malaysia or why the two states did not resolve the matter.

“The word Allah had been widely used for more than 1,000 years by the Arab Christians. Similarly, the word had been used widely among the Christian community in Sabah and Sarawak.

“I call upon the government to let the Sabah and Sarawak government resolve the matter. We must respect another's religion. That is the basic principle.

“If Umno or BN do not want to resolve the matter, then it is time for the people to make a choice for a change. Give those who are brave to resolve the matter head-on..

“I'm confident that Pakatan Rakyat will be able to resolve it if given the chance,” said Zaid.

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