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Tenaga 'extra-high bills' not confined to Perak
Published:  May 5, 2010 7:57 AM
Updated: May 5, 2010 3:09 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'Ensure users would not be short-changed with having their consumption being ‘bumped' into a higher tariff category.'


Tenaga accused of 'manipulating users'

SameSame: I think it's not only Perak affected. My TNB bill is also issued every two months, and I've notice the tariffs are high. This is in Kuala Lumpur! TNB should explain why now they are billing on bi-monthly basis?

Rend: It is also the same situation in Penang. They started two-month-once billing in April, and the bill is slightly higher than it used to be. When I asked TNB, they said the bill "is just anggaran (estimate) for the two months" and they would give the exact bill the next month... but I didn't receive any corrected bill!

Pagalavan Letchumanan: It's the same in Johor Bahru as well! Since beginning of this year, the metre has been read every two months. In between, they will send a bill by post stating "bil anggaran dari pejabat TNB" (estimated billing from TNB office). What the hell?

Perak Boleh: As a public utility provider, TNB claimed to be short of staff? Notice how TNB utilise their staff. It must be a joke to see five technicians just changing a street light bulb.

One will be sitting on the driver seat smoking away, another one will be standing behind the Land Rover doing nothing, the third one will be operating the crane, the fourth one will be the director of the scene, and the fifth person is the only one changing the light bulb.

All in, the travelling time from workshop to a site 5-10 km away will take a whole two hours to do the job.

In other countries such as Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong, only two persons are needed - the driver and the technician. One will be holding the ladder and the other person doing the job, and all work is done in less than 30 minutes plus travelling time.

Takung: Perhaps a suitable compromise would be to divide the reading of the meters by two to determine the mean monthly consumption. This way TNB can save on meter reading costs by doing it once every two months, and users would not be short-changed with having their consumption being "bumped" into a higher tariff category.

Mafrel, NGOs not needed for Sibu by-election, says EC

Watchman: The Election Commission (EC) has lost all credibility in organising free and fair elections. The voters need all the independent observers that are available, even from overseas. So, EC deputy chairperson Wan Ahmad Wan Omar, we the rakyat cannot agree to what you said.

Paddington Bear: It is not about whether the EC needs them or not, it is about whether the public needs them. And they do.

ABD123: Dear EC, if you are so confident that the EC has taken all the steps (necessary) and the elections will be fair and transparent, than you should welcome Mafrel and NGOs to be independent observers. What is your fear? It is time we had people with brains heading these institutions.

Ric: We do not trust you, Wan Ahmad, nor your EC. You were even not selected by the rakyat. Who gave you the right to exclude external monitors? Are you afraid of something?

Karpal: Charge Aminul's killers with murder

WandererAUS: The police have been getting away with their rough and uncivilised tactics too often. Someone needs to put them back in their places. Karpal Singh, you are the man to do it. We the rakyat have full confidence in you.

LR: What's all the hype about the boy being killed? Definitely the police didn't purposely intend to shoot him dead! It was an accident, as far as I can tell. Why isn't anyone talking about the offence of the boys themselves? Fifteen year olds driving? Isn't that dangerous? What if that car had hit and killed someone else? Then who would be responsible?

Somehow the public and the people clamouring for publicity are looking at the "mistake' of the enforcers of the law. The incident would not have happened if the boys were not out driving at that time of the night in the first place.

Goldee: The only crime the boy committed was driving a vehicle without a valid licence, being underaged and trying to escape from being caught by the police. The police officers could have just pursued and catch him without harming the boys.

Why the need to use firearms and brute force when the boys were unarmed and are not criminals? The police officers could be inexperienced and have reacted hastily. My condolence to the victim's family, and hope the police officers would learn from the unfortunate incident.

PAS denies paying RM4 mil to Kickdefella

Avatar: This blogger ‘Kickdefella' has been on an attacking spree against the PAS government, attacking Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat's son-in-law and managed to bring him down. Now he is claiming to have been paid to smear Pak Lah and what not.

I wonder if it was PAS who paid him or someone using PAS' name who paid him (if at all it's true). This blogger is doing great service to the BN in Kelantan to bring PAS down.

Lokman Salleh: Will Kickdefella become senator like Ezam Mohd Noor?


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