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Nasir's clemency an example of double standards
Published:  Jun 30, 2010 7:43 AM
Updated: Jul 2, 2010 4:28 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'So it's okay to call the migrants ‘prostitutes'? Unfortunately, there are many more who are like him hence they are unable to take any action.. '


Minister: No further action on Nasir Safar

Sabah Maju: Nasir Safar, who uttered the seditious insults during an official 1Malaysia function, was a member of PM Najib Abdul Razak's circle of advisors. That makes his remarks deeply offensive and wounding.

Umno politicians have not learned. They continue to show their arrogance and ugly racism. The Indian and Chinese communities equate his insults to Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein's keris-waving act and the associated race-baiting at the Umno general assembly. It humiliated the leaders of the BN component parties who were present. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi could have, but failed, to rebuke the hot heads and rein them in.

That episode is the one singular defining act - I believe, the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back - that pushed the non-Malays over the line, driving them to vote against the BN in the 2008 general election.

Unless Najib makes a clear stand to condemn and renounce the racist behaviour of the likes of his adviser, the matter is not going to end. It will return to haunt BN-Umno in the coming general election.

Gibran: Nasir definitely meant what he said to all Indian and Chinese citizens in the country. Protecting him clearly shows that the government instructed him to make those remarks. John F Kennedy once said, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but never all the people all the time."

Star Wars: Now that Umno has deemed that no further action will be taken against their racist member Nasir Safar for stoking racial tension with his "get lost pendatang " comments, what are the other BN components parties going to do about it? Are they going to keep quiet and let big brother Umno walk all over them?

If political betting was legal in Malaysia, I would put my odds at 50 to 1 that these component parties would do what they do best - keep quiet. Anyhow, my understanding of Umno's decree that Nasif Safar's actions did not require further action is:

1) Umno condones racist activities of this nature.

2) Umno does not give two hoots about the opinion of their "lesser" partners in BN.

3) It does not care about the sensitivities of Malaysians in general as long as Umno's interests are served.

YHS5KLP: Of course, there will be no action. This Safar was told by the most racist party in Malaysia to test the water/reaction of Indians and Chinese with his racist remark. I am sure that he is not only not going to be punished, but he will be rewarded handsomely for sticking his neck out.

Would you punish your dog for standing up and barking on your behalf? Of course not. I would reward my dog with a good meal. Good Dog.

Sitrend: So it's okay to call the migrants "prostitutes"? Who is this guy to speak on migrants? He is a sick fellow, totally unconscious of his surrounding, Planet Earth and its inhabitants. Unfortunately, there are many more who are like him hence they are unable to take any action against him. Does apologising solve anything?

Appalled by 'no further action' against Nasir Safar

Tancc: Dear Loh Seng Kok, I voted for you in the GE11 in Kelana Jaya. I remember you made a very good statement in Parliament regarding the historical contribution of the Chinese and other minority races and asked that the history books reflect the non-Malay contributions in nation building. I respect you for that.

Not long after that, a bunch of Umno thugs came to your office and threatened you to retract your statement. Over the last 50 years of Merdeka celebrations, did the BN government acknowledge non-Malay contributions?

Honestly, I don't understand what the MCA is doing about this and why it is still in the government when MCA is treated with contempt by Umno.

Scrap NEP? I didn't promise that, says Najib

Keturunan Malaysia: PM, aren't you ashamed? You are our PM and you go to a foreign country and tell the people there that our Malay brothers and sisters still need a crutch 'to compete' after four decades? Moreover, you go and insult Malaysians by saying that only a rare few like you can stand on your own and the rest are still 'stupid'.

Of course, you didn't use the same words I used here, but that's what you are implying. People there nod their heads and try to look like they understand and sympathise with you out of politeness. When you turn your back, they say, "There goes the one-eye Jack in the land of the blind."

Gan Bing: "Najib said affirmative action under the NEM would be more market-friendly, more merit based, more transparent and based on needs". Don't mouth platitudes, Najib. Tell us exactly how you intend to accomplish this, what new policies, what policy changes, etc.

Will approved permits (APs) still be given out to bumis only? Will negotiated tenders be abolished? Will racial quotas be abolished? Otherwise your words are just empty sounds and the NEP will live on in the NEM, just as it lived in the NDP.

Ray Chan Ang: What are the true intentions of the Umno leaders for Malaysia? After 53 years of providing crutches to the Malays they are still the weakest race in Malaysia, claims Umno, compared to those races without any crutches. Don't tell me the Umno leaders' intention is to make very sure that Malays always need protection so that Umno will always play an important role on their behalf.

Lee Teng Joo: Najib is just showing his true colours now. Nothing has essentially changed, has it? Or will ever change under BN. If this is not double speak, I do not know what is. Enough of this speaking with fork tongues nonsense from our government. Actions speak louder than words, and actions so far just give me the big yawn. Same old, same old.

Joe: Najib Razak made a pledge to the people that affirmative action in the NEM will not be raced-based, but will be based on needs . I remembered this distinctly because he co-opted the agenda of Pakatan Rakyat .

Now he discovers he is unable to live up to his word, and being a politician he will say and do anything to cling to power at all cost. He should look at himself in the mirror. His nose is growing longer and longer by the day. His so-called "new" approach to the NEP is like dressing a corpse with cheap perfume. It stinks.

Pakatan to appoint its own state legal advisors

Satinah Osman: This is one of the wisest decisions taken by Pakatan Rakyat. It should now move forward to have a state police and a state national guard as in the US. Over the years, the states have - through the manipulative control of Umno - relinquished nearly all their powers to the federal government, resulting in even MBs being appointed on the recommendations of the Umno leader.

The rulers of the states have no choice. They have to live, too, and look after a host of servants, guards, lands and now - huge business empires. There is much wisdom in the laws and provisions that apply to states in the US and that is perhaps why it can be called 'The Land of the Free' - though in reality it may not be so to every person in the US.

Ferd Tan: Good move. I believe attorney-general will still appoint their own - but have no fear, let the AG-appointed state legal advisors ' goyang kaki' and have no real tasks. Give them a small cubicle at the back of the state building to operate out of.

Sooner or later, the AG will give up as no officers will want to take up the position. To use the employment term, the AG can now claim 'constructive dismissal'.




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