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ISA call against Azizah 'irresponsible and idiotic'
Published:  Dec 5, 2010 8:26 AM
Updated: 7:17 AM

your say 'In an age of the Internet, globalisation and a flat world, to propose something as silly as this is like a mindless child throwing tantrums regardless of the consequences.'

Umno legal advisor wants Azizah detained under ISA

Ex-UKEC: Now you can see the opinion of Umno lawyers. Every time they cannot counter Pakatan Rakyat's arguments with credible answers, they will call for the government to invoke the Internal Security Act (ISA).

Unfortunately these are the people who are going to be made chief judge or attorney-general due to their allegiance to Umno. Bring it on, Minister Hishammuddin Hussein. Detain Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail under the ISA and you will see hundreds of thousands of people protesting on the streets.

Not Confused: This lawyer is the same one who lost the case in which a supplier of buntings and other election materials sued Umno for non-payment because he failed to turn up in court on the appointed day (how very efficient).

The case was, of course, reversed on appeal (surprise, surprise). With lawyers like this advising a government which is bankrupt of ideas and common sense, the ruling elite is doomed to be obliterated at some point in the future.

Race, race, race - that's all we hear about from this God-forsaken government.

Cala: As a lawyer, Mohd Hafarizan Harun appears to be ignorant of something - that context matters. He forgot that whatever the proposal he has in mind has to pass the test of time, and that Malaysia is not operating in void, but in an age of the Internet, globalisation, and a flat world. To propose something as silly as this is like a mindless child throwing tantrums regardless of the consequences. He is being irresponsible and idiotic.

While Najib Razak is having trouble steering the half-sunken ship of Malaysia into calmer waters, lawyer Mohd Hafarizan is burning the ship by speaking from the narrow lens of a village boy.

Mohd Hafarizan has two ways to win his arguments, other than of course using the brute force of law:

i) he can win by relying on ideologies, or

ii) he can win on the basis of his proposal on efficiency

The first argument invariably ends up in Thomas Hobbes's social contract concept, a rather weak ground in any debate when the whole world is going for a democratic form of government that sees the dualism of power and responsibility.

As for the second line of argument, he would find himself in a more embarrassing position for the regime, as doing so will drive away foreign direct investments, something Najib does not want to happen.

In sum hence, Mohd Hafarizan Harun has failed to convince the audience on why his advice should be heeded.

Kassim Muhamad: Satu lagi kes nyata dimana otak telah dipindahkan ke tempat lain. Gertak, ancam, ancam dan mengancam. Bukankah lebih manis jika tuan peguam ini cadangkan supaya diadakan perbincangan terbuka supaya seluruh rakyat tahu di manakah dosa besarnya presiden PKR itu?

Kalau tuan peguam lupa, zaman sekarang orang lebih hormati hujah. Bukankah begitu?

KJ John: I can only say that Umno idiocrats can only make things worse for their president and PM Najib Razak. Once they detain the president of PKR, I guarantee that they can kiss the next general elections goodbye. So, dear idiocrat legal advisor, pray that Umno is not stupid enough to do your bidding.

Anonymous: Ketuanan Melayu itu hanya untuk Umno sahaja. Mana boleh rakyat soal. Kalau rakyat sudah tahu, habislah mata pencarian Umno. Jangan soal. Itu satu rahsia. Umno saja boleh cakap pasal Ketuanan Melayu. Kalau rakyat cakap, itu satu sensitive issue. Umno boleh, kroni-kroni rasuah pun boleh. Itulah Najib, satu Umno Malaysia.

Kgen: Where in the constitution does this nincompoop find the concept of Malay supremacy? Do fools like him even know how to read the constitution? Perhaps Umno should follow this nincompoop's advice and detain Wan Azizah under ISA. Then Pakatan Rakyat will have an easy victory in the coming GE.

MCA, MIC and Gerakan, open your eyes. Malay supremacy is very much alive and kicking in the Malay supremacist party, Umno.

Ave Atque Vale: One of the things I have noticed about Malaysian politics is that people who think they are 'important' spout idiocy without thinking beforehand. This is a clear example of that. Yes, put Wan Azizah under the ISA. Then see what happens.

Ghkok: As far as I know, Wan Azizah wasn't challenging Articles 152, 153 and 181, or any of the other articles of the federal constitution. She was just challenging the concept of ‘ketuanan Melayu', which is an invention of Umno, which I believe, in her opinion, is a form of master-slave relationship and therefore should be dropped in favour of ‘ketuanan rakyat', which champions the rights of all the people of Malaysia.

I Can See: Can't everyone see this guy is just an Umno errand boy? Similar to Perkasa, they will start making silly and provoking statements and calls, with one objective: to shut up all opposition leaders whatever it takes and by all means, and at all costs before the general elections. Invoking ISA is what they want, they are just looking for the reasons.

Meanwhile, Najib is just playing dumb. He is much aware of this, just waiting for the right time to act against those seen as a threat to him. We have to be prepared - the onslaught is coming soon and it's going to be ruthless.

I pray to Allah to protect all who sincerely fight for justice, so that good will prevail over evil.

Gandhi: This is the kind of legal advisor who advocates the Malays to be on crutches forever. He is actually worried that he may not do well if he is taken away from some of Umno's legal panels. Keep leaning on the crutches, and the crutches will give way from wear and tear.

Compass: The PM's "advice" is law, the breach of which is met with a sanction, including detention without trial. That must be jurisprudence taught in Mars. Or Umno-prudence?

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