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Shahrizat: Too little, too late, too lame
Published:  Oct 21, 2011 10:08 AM
Updated: 11:57 PM

YOURSAY 'Tell us how you would have reacted if the victim was the son of an Umno leader and those making insinuations were DAP leaders?'

Shahrizat: Don't drag children into dirty politics

Anonymous_njdudkj: Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, we aren't interested in your 'principle' if you dare not call a spade a spade and dare not confront the blogger and Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin head-on, but just give out evasive answers.

We certainly don't wish to see our young ones growing up in such a indecent society where the value system is being absolutely perverted by your party.

1M: Asked to comment on Khairy Jamaluddin's snide remarks over the allegation, Shahrizat replied: "That one, you go ask Khairy."

Why, Shahrizat? Why suddenly you don't want to comment? Khairy has made his uncalled-for remark about ‘buah dada' (breasts), and you as women, family and community development minister can only offer "go ask Khairy" as your answer?

What if Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng made such a remark about ‘buah dada', would you not take him to task?

Will you please also, as a responsible women, family and community development minister, urge the police - on behalf of all women, families and communities - to find out who this Papagomo is, and arrest him. Only then I will believe you are serious.

Wira: Shahrizat, from your statement, I understand that it is okay to spread lies and ‘fitnah' to wrong the opposition as long as children are kept out. It looks like you are affirming the despicable standard modus operandi of Umno.

Onyourtoes: We can judge your sincerity quite easily - first, your statement came too late, and second, your statement was not explicit and direct enough.

Tell us how you would have reacted if the victim was the son of an Umno leader and those creating the story and making insinuation were DAP leaders?

KSN: Umno leaders want to save themselves from this disgusting and disgraceful episode which has damaged them immensely, and are now saying that the party has nothing to do with the slander on Lim's son.

But is Khairy not a big shot in Umno? So Shahrizat, sell your sermon - empty and insincere as it is - elsewhere.

Ben-ghazi: The mudslinging is coming mainly from your party, Shahrizat. Do something about it.

Isa@1penyu: Both sides of the divide are to be blamed as both sides on the Internet love to create lies and issues just for the sake of politics.

No wonder lots of people don't trust the contents on the Internet anymore. Reputable online portals like Malaysiakini should not even bother entertaining these bloggers by reporting about them.

Louis: Khairy is like a drowning politician trying to cling onto the last straw. Any issue will do, and he is out there trying to score political points.

It does not matter whether it involves the politician's son or great grandfather, he simply tries his luck. Maybe he has stretched his luck just too far.

After all these years spent at Oxford, he should be the last politician to exploit an issue involving a young boy and for that matter, on a false accusation. I feel that all his Oxford years were all in vain.

Being exposed to English culture and embedded among the so-called elites of England, he should be more refined in his words, deeds and thoughts. Attacking an innocent child in England would incur the wrath of the British public, and for sure would end his political career.

Yes, if Malaysians are not disappointed with him, I believe Oxford graduates would definitely be.

Artchan: Khairy is dead meat. So far, no one has come out in support of him. This Umno Youth leader wants to score points, but now it has mud all over him.

Gandhi: My suggestion to Khairy is that as a young person, you should act responsibly and weigh your words.

Being a public figure, every word, action and gesture is read by the public seriously. This smart aleck thing that you posted as your tweet is going to haunt you all your life, as teenagers are already aware of what you have uttered irresponsibly.

I think you should man up and take the responsibility. Wisdom at your age comes with a price, dude. Your road to the future is going to be riddled with a lot of potholes. Don't be so full of yourself, and expect people to cut you to size whenever you cross the line.

FellowMalaysian: When Khairy makes snide remarks in his tweet over Kampung Buah Pala, we can deduce that he is the perpetrator and instigator behind the pro-Umno bloggers who have resorted to unscrupulous, heinous and despicable postings.

He is a hypocrite and without the backing of his father-in-law, he behaves like he has just have fallen down the deep pit and has become ever more disorganised and disoriented of late.

His actions of indulging in gutter politics and even to the extent of poking fun mercilessly at LGE (Lim Guan Eng) over his son's senseless abuse brings shame and disgrace to his fellow Oxfordians.

Paul Warren: Shahrizat, did you have to wait until DAP pointed out that Umno bloggers fouled up with the picture of the girl before you waded in with your ministerial role?


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