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The fight for human dignity transcends religion
Published:  Nov 1, 2011 8:46 AM
Updated: 1:18 AM

YOURSAY 'In Tunisia, Bahrain, Syria, Iran, Libya, Egypt, what were they fighting and dying for - if not for human rights?'

'Human rights a front to erode sanctity of Islam'

your say Anonymous_4031: Human rights a front to erode the sanctity of Islam? Rubbish!

Why did the human rights activists risk their lives to fight dictators like Libya's Muammar Gaddafi and Egypt's Hosni Mubarak?

Why should activists take up arms and fight in Tunisia, Bahrain, Syria, Iran, suffer hardships and even die? To erode Islam?

It was no child's play for the thousands upon thousands of protestors in the streets of Cairo and Tripoli who fought tooth and nail for human rights, for human dignity, for fair play and for justice.

At home, Bersih, Hindraf, Bar Council and NGOs of all colours marched in the streets for free and fair elections. Certainly, this was not to erode Islam. University students are also fighting to be heard.

The 2008 general election was about voters pushing demanding human dignity for all Malaysians and the respect for all religions. Were the voters wrong?

YF: Human rights equals communism? National Defence University's professor Ridhuan Tee Abdullah seems to be confused here - is his ‘no human rights' brand of Islam in line with the religion's ‘no compulsion' principle?

Ridhuan's version of religious tyranny has nothing to do with Islam but a man-made attempt to exert power and control over those who do not agree with their extremist views.

Communism, fascism and Ridhuanism are nothing but man-made religions to prevent the masses to exercise their free will to know their true and living God.

Milosevic: Ridhuan Tee is actually quite consistent. Many Muslims want to abide by Western liberal values, such as gender equality, religious tolerance and democracy, but then say that it is all somehow contained in the Quran.

Ridhuan Tee follows in the footsteps of the likes of Sayyid Qutb in rejecting Western values in toto, asking its adherents to engage in jihad - not as sugar-coated personal struggle but a real war to bring everyone to submission.

Hence Mr T's open advocacy of force, which is quite consistent with certain aspects of Islamic thought. Logic: "You will all love the system once you know it and live under it. We will force you to be free."

And if people don't like it (as Iranians have discovered), they must be evil, ignorant or crazy, so send them to re-education camps, psychiatric wards, and finally kill them.

Okay, Mr T, I will go along with your Caliphate if you can provide me a certified, permission slip from Allah (or any God) sanctioning you to pursue your final solution.

MfM: It seems many of the commentators here are just as racist as the Umno bigots. "Ridhuan Tee has betrayed his race!" Wow! Go look in the mirror, fellows.

Ridhuan Tee, whatever he is, is not racist. He's expressing what he believes is the way things should be done is Islam. But he conveniently seems to forget that the current government is not Muslim.

We do not live in a Islamic country. In a country governed according to Islam, there will be no usury (there goes the whole banking sector), no differentiation based on race (uh-oh, the special positions of Malays gone), money used will have intrinsic value (think gold, not paper money).

Zakat is compulsory for Muslims and jizya for non-Muslims (distributed accordingly and used to eliminate poverty). Yes, the Islamic version of human rights seems appealing?

DannyLoHH: Jizya? That's a tax levied on the dhimmis of ancient Islamic states. It's a tax to remind the dhimmis of their inferior status in an Islamic state.

They are not allowed to owned or ride a horse (now would be cars or motorbike), not allowed to build house bigger than even the smallest houses of a Muslim, dress code limitations, cannot build house of worship that is bigger than a mosque, cannot perform religious rites in the open, and many other forms of persecutions and discriminations.

Jizya tax itself is an anti-thesis to fundamental human rights.

Vijay47: I can understand a lost individual like Ridhuan Tee indulging in excesses of the kind he has been spewing out. He perhaps harbours some hope that somehow despite his Chinese origins, he would be recognised and admired as a pillar of a race he pretends to be a part of.

Maybe it is a more basic cry for attention. Indifferent to the mocking and ridicule he subjects his own religion to or worse, even unaware of it. He continues merrily tilting at monsters of his own making, expounding a logic only he can understand.

But what truly boggles the mind is that he is being used by institutions who, in spite of their abhorrent stand on other matters, one would expect should know better.

What benefit does this pitiable person bring to Islam? Even the usual suspects among Malaysiakini's subscribers do not say a word to support him. Can Sinar Harian and its cousin Utusan Malaysia not see the shame this so-called Muslim brings to Islam?

The non-Muslims do not have to do a thing. They are too busy laughing.

Jesse: This pseudo academic has not uttered any intellectual thoughts or ideas. He is just singing the song of adulterated themes like a sycophant which he has become.

His professorship, like so many of his ilk, is not worth a penny. He is not an intellectual worthy of the title which he wears so shamelessly.

Anonymous_4196: When one uses religion to oppose what is positive, in this case human rights, that's the end of discussion in Malaysia.

I think there is a pattern emerging - whenever one wants to reject debate and discussion, use religion and the monarchy.

Ferdtan: In business, when billions of dollars of government contracts were won by unqualified and non-experienced ‘Umnoputra contractors', they just sub-contracted the work to mainly experienced Chinese contractors - making good profits without raising a sweat.

This is ‘Ali Baba' business that has become a norm in the country - corruption of the worst kind.

Sub-contracting ‘Ali Baba' business has hit the so-called Islamic intelligentsia - now the Malay Islamic professors, intellectuals and the learned religious teachers have relinquished their responsibilities to one half-baked Chinese convert, Ridhuan Tee.

We hope Umno would not one day accuse the Chinese of not only controlling all the businesses in Malaysia, but also the interpretation of Islam.

We, the Chinese, want to make it clear - so as not to be misunderstood by Umno - Ridhuan Tee does not speak for the Chinese.

Swipenter: So Ridhuan Tee is saying that the teachings of Islam are not compatible with human rights?

For a Muslim like him who advocates enforcing hudud by force and might, this would be true in his bigoted mind and eyes.


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