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It didn't work in S'gor, it will not in Johor
Published:  Jan 1, 2012 9:50 AM
Updated: 11:03 AM

YOURSAY 'Someone is trying to use this old trick to pit Muslims against non-Muslims. Your guess of the identity of the ‘someone' is as good as mine.'

Pig heads found at mosque entrance in Johor

your say Cannon: Malaysians can respond by pointing their fingers at one another, stoking polarisation and racial tension - which is what the perpetrators of this dastardly act is trying to sow.

Or they can fight evil with solidarity: all communities standing together to condemn this act and resolutely united in opposition to racism, corruption and injustice.

Malaysians must not fall to incitement by rogue politicians and be distracted fighting one another. The enemy wants to sow division and disunity to overcome and enslave us.

Pemerhati: It is not difficult to guess who the crooks are behind these pig heads. One thing notable about these crooks is that they keep repeating the same modus operandi.

The crooks initially started off with Sodomy 1 and after some time they followed up with Sodomy 2. The same crooks were also behind the pig heads - first in Selangor and now they are following that up with the Pig Heads 2 in Johor.

This is being done so that some simple and gullible people would get sufficiently angry and worked up and would then be willing to have their bones crushed when they are asked by the crooks to cause trouble and chaos. This is likely to happen if the crooks lose the next elections.

Once trouble breaks out the crooks would declare a state of emergency and continue to remain in power. They will then continue to plunder the country and keep their wives happy by giving them RM24 million diamond rings.

Malaysian Born: This has nothing whatsoever to do with religion, this is clearly the work of hardline politicians who are concerned that their games and manipulations to divide the electorate along racial and religious lines has not worked.

The fact of the matter is that after the cow-head incident there was no bloodshed, the Hindraf rally was peaceful, church attacks were answered with concern not violence, and similar attacks on mosques have been dealt with as mischievous incidents rather than an attack on the religion.

Malaysia and its people have matured and evolved beyond being manipulable pawns that can be incited to violence to support politicians' games. May 13, 1969 has been consigned to the past and its use as a threat no longer works.

While our unity has been weakened by very poor policy decisions, the people are more aware of the world around them and with the social media, more connected with one another. Malaysia has come of age, we need our politicians to catch up now.

Queenie: It didn't work in Selangor and will not work in Johor. People are fed up with all this hate mongering and would just like to get on with their lives.

Fear, real fear is beginning to creep into BN's camp. Is this all the 'dirty tricks department' can come up with? Pathetic.

BernieBaby: If a Muslim police officer can wear gloves to pick up the pig heads, how difficult is it for the criminally-minded person to place the pig heads at the mosque's entrance.

Any person with a problem with Islam would have thrown the pig heads into the prayer area not place them at the entrance. The police for sure will ignore this as they already know who the culprits are.

Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: As the Holy Quran dictates, it is consuming the flesh of swine that is haram . Heads of pigs found in the compound of mosques is of no consequence and will only infuriate Muslims who choose to be.

Albeit this despicable act has to be condemned and I can't help but to suspect the possibility of a political motive behind it.

This provocative incident is equally likely to be fueled by either anger against the Muslims or a malicious propaganda done by the ultras to promote hatred within the Muslim community to advance their political agenda.

David Dass: All should condemn this foolish and irresponsible act. There is nothing to be gained by something as stupid as this. This is the work of either a madman or persons bent on pitting race against race.

The act is designed to inflame the passions of Muslims. But everyone should remain calm. Let the police do their work. The acts of these miscreants, whatever their race or religion, should not be made the responsibility of all members of the race they belong to.

This is the result of constantly going on and on about the sensitivities of one race over the other, of creating a climate where the slightest thing can spark of intense feelings against others - whoever they are.

The truth is - and this should be accepted as the truth - most Malaysians will not act so irresponsibly. Most Malaysians respect the religions of each other and will not insult, hurt or provoke the feelings of the others. Most Malaysians will not ignite the spark that could potentially send us to kingdom come.

Lim Chong Leong: Why do I smell the stench of Umno filth? They are trying to create another May 13 to make themselves relevant.

Little do they know that Malaysians are more concerned with Umno's unchecked corruption and abuse of power while making us all dumb and dumber by lowering our education standards, setting us behind globally.

Swipenter: Someone is trying to use this old trick to pit Muslims against non-Muslims. Your guess of the identity of the ‘someone' is as good as mine.

Muslims and non-Muslims, just stay calm. May Allah/God bless all of us and our country.

James Dean: Let us not jump to conclusion, there are many parties who are out to create unrest amongst the rakyat. What look obvious may not be so obvious.

Jean Pierre: I read in utter dismay the unfair accusations against all of Umnoites of perpetrating this unholy act when in all probability it could be the work of a minister to divert the obsessive attention in this country from cows to pigs.

Certainly pigs are equal, if not more equal than cows.

Pig heads fly in the face of logic


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