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BN ripe to fall in Sabah? Beware the Trojan Horse
Published:  Jul 26, 2012 9:31 AM
Updated: 12:32 PM

VOXPOP 'As long as there are frogs and as long as BN is prepared to lure them over - anything can happen.'

'BN could lose more than half of Sabah seats'

your say Moontime: We have to take this piece of news with a huge amount of salt. I hope Pakatan Rakyat will not take this for granted. Much work still needs to be done.

BN will definitely use every trick up its sleeve to try to remain in power. Never ever underestimate your enemy and don't be too confident either.

If Pakatan manages to pull this off, then it will signal a huge political change for the state. Indeed, it's high time for a political tsunami to hit this land below the wind.

Jambu Batu: Let us not be carried away. UiTM Sabah lecturer Arnold Puyok might be another Trojan Horse. Let us discard his comment and continue to work hard to ensure BN is totally wiped out in the 13th general election (GE13).

We do not want any form of self-praises and ‘syok sendiri' at this critical moment.

Onyourtoes: What can people like PBS chief Joseph Pairin Kitingan do? As a powerless deputy CM, he is there only to collect whatever that was thrown to him in his remaining years in politics.

He started well, was destabilised, and finally betrayed. His contributions? Well, he has led his people to oblivion; that is all I can say.

And what can the natives do unless they stop selling themselves to a packet of Maggie mee. If we want to wake the natives of Sabah and Sarawak up, insult them, don't praise them. There is nothing that they have demonstrated so far that they can be proud of.

Dr Jag#04496187: Sabahans and Sarawakians have matured politically. If and when Joseph Pairin and PKR Sarawak chief Baru Bian make a pact, BN is history.

Of course, BN will unleash its cash-for-vote machinery, but it will not hold water. Sabahans and Sarawakians have come a full circle from the days of Donald Stephens/Mustapha Harun, and Stephen Kalong Ningkan/Temenggong Jugah.

I wonder how the British government feels knowing that the Letters Patent and Orders in Council violated treaties that bound British North Borneo and Sarawak during the Brooke reign.

It will be delightfully refreshing to determine who actually owns the land in Sabah and Sarawak. It is certainly not the Malaysian government under the law of nations. I wonder if the ‘all-knowing' Dr Mahathir Mohamad has a medical answer for this dilemma.

Anonymous #03078561: As long as there are frogs and as long as BN is prepared to lure them over - anything can happen.

Remember Sabah and Sarawak is where it is because of the Dr Mahathir Mohamad-Anwar Ibrahim link and the granting of citizenship of the illegal immigrants to win votes for BN. Now they are doing it in the peninsula.

Starr: Sabah and Sarawak have been the backwater of the country since independence in terms of political, economic and social development because of domination from the peninsula, and will remain so in this election because of a lack of cohesive, strong leadership from within.

There are legitimate grouses from these two states, but they are not sufficiently articulated enough by credible leadership to form a cohesive force to be reckoned with.

As a result, they will play second fiddle as they have done so in the politics of federalism, irrespective of BN or Pakatan. Such is the political destiny of these two states.

To talk of a 'third force' to hold the balance of power in the political equation is purely illusory because of the fragmented political structure, by design or otherwise.

Sayonara: Please, we may not contribute much, but every little effort might change the destiny of Malaysians.

Please spread the news of kicking BN out, vote wisely - no more empty promises, no more corruption, no more cronyism, no more ‘mamak' dictator, no more cases such as those involving political aide Teoh Beng Hock, Altantuya Shaariibuu, Scorpene, cows and condos.

We want changes, we will bet our future on Pakatan. Please help Pakatan, because we no longer trust BN.

Ask relatives and friends to spread news, simply 10 persons will do. This is because when it reaches the 7th level, 10 million Malaysians will know it - 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10 million.

Use Twitter, use Facebook, use SMS, use podcasts, use YouTube, use email and by every means, we want them out for good. And vote for our children.

Madu: What? Only 60 percent? We Sabahans believe it is more than that. Some of us have planned to put up the largest Pakatan flag at the summit of Mount Kinabalu if Pakatan takes over Sabah in GE13.

1234567: I'm a voter in Sabah, and my vote is for Pakatan even if they put an illiterate as their candidate, but of course only if the Election Commission (EC) does not delete my name from the electoral list.

Doc: I would like to quote a line from the new movie ‘The Dark Knight Rises' where Selina Kyle warns Bruce Wayne, which seems to be apt as a warning for Umno from the Malaysian people:

"You think this can last... there's a storm coming. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, 'cause when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large, and leave so little for the rest of us."

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