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Dr M's desperation knows no bounds
Published:  Oct 8, 2012 9:48 AM
Updated: 5:42 AM

YOURSAY 'His attempt to use race and religion is not working as before. Now, he has brought out the Soros card.'

Dr M: A vote for the opposition is a vote for Soros

your say Dark Knight : Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is again raising the spectre of the bogeyman, this time billionaire financier George Soros.

Previously, it was May 13, communism, the Malays losing out, the DAP taking over the country, Singapore former PM Lee Kuan Yew, and a host of other imagined evils.

Indeed, what would he not do to prevent the opposition from winning the 13th general election? Mahathir's desperation and fear know no bounds.

Ooi: I blame myself for not able to see through this man until he had left office. I had instead voted for him and thus contributed to the damage he has inflicted to my beloved country in his 22 years as the country's PM.

Malaysians Are Not Stupid: A vote for BN is a vote for corruption, nepotism, racism, contempt for the intelligence of the rakyat and the plundering of the nation's wealth.

I will vote for Pakatan Rakyat. It is the lesser evil. What have we got to lose as we are almost a bankrupt country and a stranger in our homeland as we are being swamped by newly legalised illegal immigrants?

Lim Chong Leong : We can have either civil society or uncivilised carnage. What we are experiencing is the latter with Umno warlords behaving like a pack of hyenas in a feeding frenzy of corruption over the corpse of 1Malaysia.

Queenie: This is called scraping the bottom of the barrel for reasons not to vote opposition. It's sad and pathetic.

Outfoxed by Soros in the money game, Mahathir can't live that down just like he can't stand Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew for proving how a little red dot can show up his own deficiency.

You're right Soros, this man is a menace to his country.

OrangKedah: If Soros is as bad as Mahathir makes it to be, then Soros would prefer Umno-BN as the government. Being corrupt to the core, it would be easier to manipulate Umno-BN and make it his puppet.

Pakatan, on the other hand, would be harder to be used by Soros because Pakatan belongs to the rakyat and the rakyat would not allow it to be made a puppet.

Wira: Mahathir, you lost a lot of our money to Soros because of your recklessness with our finances. However, Soros did not enrich himself with our money, unlike you, your family, your ministers and your cronies.

James1067: Everything that can be blamed by Mahathir has been blamed - Jews, Christians, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community), the Chinese, and whatever he can come up with. Now it is Soros' turn to take the hit.

Mahathir's desperate mind is not thinking logically, and there will be other things or people he will pin the blame on as the election draws near.

Bamboo: A vote for BN is a vote for corruption. This ex-PM is shivering to the core that if Pakatan takes over, he will be made accountable for the many lopsided contracts he gave to his family and his cronies.

Thetruth: His attempt to use race and religion is not working as before. Now, he has brought out the Soros card.

Things are getting more interesting as he cannot answer all the allegations hurled against him - on Project IC, the Port Klang Free Zone scandal, his family's wealth, etc.

He still does not, or refuse to, understand that Malaysians, and in particular the Malays, are not that easy and naive to be cheated and lied to nowadays.

This worried and desperate man talks more often than PM Najib Razak. However, we should say thank you to the Internet and the alternative media for helping to change the world. Now, the truth cannot be so easily hidden.

Mushiro: The truth is that voting for the opposition is voting for an end to Mahathirism - the end to injustice, corruption, misrule and racism.

Voting for the opposition is voting for a new Malaysia, for equality and fairness, for progress and for a brighter future for our children.

Guardian: A vote for opposition is a vote to kick out BN. A vote for opposition is a vote for better governance. A vote for opposition is a vote to end corruption. A vote for opposition is a vote to stop cheating.

A vote for opposition is a vote to stop abuse of power. A vote to opposition is a vote to reduce our debts. A vote to opposition is a vote to allow the young, intelligent and uncorrupted to run the country.

A vote to opposition is a vote to stop the mainstream media from spewing brain-damaging spins.

Joe Lee : Mahathir is in overdrive. He must be worried about his and his children's future. He is now in a bunker, like Adolf Hitler, when the enemies were closing in on him.

The extraordinary hypocrisy of Mahathir

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