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" Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

COMMENT A number of Malaysiakini subscribers have enquired as to why I have not commented on the recent DAP internal elections mess. The truth is I was in the midst of writing something on the matter when pro-opposition blogger Zorro Unmasked beat me to it.

His blog post, ' Shooting own goal is never premeditated ', more or less sums up my feelings on the ‘mistake' which I have to admit, at this point in the elections end game, I am pretty ambivalent about.

As I have always maintained, Pakatan Rakyat is not running on its own record and policies (which has never been sufficiently scrutinised by its supporters) but rather against the abysmal record of BN. As in Zorro's blog post, I could care less what BN or their propaganda minions say about the recent DAP electoral debacle...

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