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Has the fugitive cop been framed?
Published:  Jul 26, 2013 8:24 AM
Updated: 4:05 AM

YOURSAY 'Inspector Hare Krishnan, if you are innocent, why are you running from the law? If you have been framed, get a lawyer and defend yourself.'

Fourth suspect in custodial death claims innocence

your say See3: If Inspector S Hare Krishnan claims to know who was actually responsible for the death of N Dhamendran, he should better come clean and quick.

If he doesn't trust the police force that he will get a fair hearing, he should go through other means, such as the alternative media.

Otherwise, continuing to be on the run makes it easier for the guilty parties to pin the murder on him.

Peacemaker: Hare Krishnan has taken a very long time to come up with this explanation. It arouses suspicions of fabrication of evidence. Why is he on the run if he is innocent?

Does he not trust his colleagues should he surrender to them? Come on Hare, you've got to spill the beans or your credibility is finished.

Lover Boy: I somehow feel that Hare Krishnan is more concerned about being set-up and his life threatened than the Dhamendran case itself. Could that be the reason he went into hiding?

Sabahan: I find it strange that Indian police officers are usually implicated in lock-up deaths involving Indians. Are there that many Indian police officers and are they all thugs?

Something inside me says that the Indians are being victimised. Period. It makes no difference if they are police officers or gangsters.

SS Dhaliwal: Hare Krishnan in all likelihood is a scapegoat and probably knows he will take the fall. He should make a statutory declaration to be kept by his lawyers revealing all as his trump card in the event he is jailed.

Maybe he might get away scot-free, just like political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda, who was acquitted on the charge of murdering Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu.

Yap CS: Police personnel will now know only those cronies of the BN will be protected. So, if you are not a crony of BN, better leave the force or you will be blamed for everything bad that is happening now.

MockingYou: This is the case of "his say versus their say" and what we get for having faulty or no CCTVs in police stations. It's time to set up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

Touche: If what Hare says is true, then the police are trying to protect their own kind and pass the blame onto another Indian to take the fall and erase the element of racial killing. Where is justice for the minorities?

Abasir: As in the case of the 'canteen in the washroom' debacle, the reported chronology of events in this murder case simply doesn't add up.

It is also noteworthy that in both cases the negatively impacted ones are non-Malays; the acts took place in government premises where rules are supposed to prevail.

And in both cases, there appears to be zero accountability by those paid to be in charge.

RakyatBiasa: Hare Krishnan looks like another Indian movie villain. If you are really innocent, just reveal "who beat him, who was there and who knew about it". Don't be a coward.

Nyaduung: Really, this is another private investigator P Balasubramaniam (PI Bala) in the making. I hope that Hare Krishnan doesn't make the same mistake as PI Bala.

Don't accuse him of being a coward yet. After all, there's a phrase "you're innocent until proven guilty".

Black Bantah: This sounds like the making of ‘Fugitive 2', this time produced and directed in Malaysia. I won't be surprised if the police know where this runaway inspector is. He's probably allowed to hide, so as not to spill the beans on the others.

At the trial, the other three police officers will pin the blame on Hare and all will ultimately go scot-free. We can write a book on this.

Anonymous #33877536: Hare Krishnan, if you are innocent, why are you running from the law? If you had been framed, get a lawyer and defend yourself.

Until then, you make people think you're the culprit. Give yourself up.

YouAreNotAlone: Hare Krishnan is just another poor scapegoat. The Umno-BN regime is too powerful for the masses to deal with. Only Allah has the power to stop them now.

Paul Warren: I find Hare's allegation of being framed rather doubtful. Being a honest cop, if framing innocent people is an act that is pursued by the police force, he surely would have divulged it by now and we would all have known about it.

Hare, since you have never previously come across innocent people and convicts being framed, I shall have to presume that the police do not frame anyone, let alone you,

If you want to cast doubts on the police, then it is for you to discredit them. Show us that framing innocent people is something practised routinely by the police. After all, you have been long enough there to know if there is any.

Reveal from your hiding place that framing innocents has been done and is constantly done. If you cannot, then forever hold your peace. Come out like a man and face the music.

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