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Mouse that ran up the RM3,810 clock now a fat cat?
Published:  Oct 3, 2013 7:56 AM
Updated: Oct 3, 2013 4:59 AM

YOURSAY ‘Why doesn't the Finance Ministry every year just write out a big fat cheque for everyone in all gov't bodies to be shared?'

Hickory dickory dock, RTM paid RM3,810 for a clock

your say Anonymous_3e86: This is how the money siphoning mechanism works in the BN government. This was how the Scorpene submarines were purchased. This was how our military equipment were acquired. Tonnes of money went into the pockets of BN politicians and cronies.

Every year the Auditor-General's Report reveals these corrupt practices but it still continues to happen every year. Only one or two scapegoats are hauled up. The rest continues to plunder the country's wealth.

Next year we will hear of similar stories in the Attorney-General's Report again.

Bamboo: The fact is that lots of overpriced items were bought. Who are those in charge of procurement? Was anyone brought to court for these?

From the top officer who bought overpriced items to the lowest officers making exorbitant tailoring charges, there isn't any shame in carrying out such acts. There isn't any fear from been caught and punished as everyone is protecting each other.

Guess only when Allah makes us a pauper country, only then they will regret doing the stealing.

Ablastine: Why doesn't the Finance Ministry every year just write out a big fat cheque for everyone in all government bodies to be shared among themselves until nobody in the world wants to lend Malaysia money.

Let me guess. The ringgit then should be about 20:1 against the Singapore dollar.

Not Confused: The annual flurry of reports resulting from the publication of the Auditor-General's Report is now upon us once again. It is the usual sorry tale of wasted millions and pure incompetence, or worse, couldn't-care-less attitude of those responsible for managing the country and its resources.

Behind all the happy-clappy reports on TV and radio with the lame duck PM being hypocritical at every turn, claiming that Malaysia is harmonious, peaceful and shows full integrity in everything done, the opposite is actually true.

Our resources are wasted daily, invested unwisely, frittered away and much of the country's infrastructure is crumbling and often unfit for its purpose due to criminal incompetence. Heaven help Malaysia after another five years of mis-management by a bunch of bumbling crooks.

Fantastic4: The mouse that went up the clock must be filthy rich or fat now? As usual, there will not be any accountability.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Yet despite all this exposure, the Malaysian public still queue up to vote for BN. It is all in the education and the mind-moulding. The day we begin to think will be the day this nation begins to be responsible to its people.

Kairos: Every year the whole nation goes throgh this painful time of reading the Auditor-General's Report of massive and blatant wastage of public funds.

It pains us because it is the rakyat's money. To see millions and even billions squandered away senselessly really hurts. Yet, we see food prices and the cost of living rising and the poor of all races, including bumiputeras, remain poor.

Where actually has all those money gone to? The answer is into the pockets of corrupted officials of the country. Now we understand why Malaysia is the one of the most corrupted countries in the world.

When will the ordinary folks of this beloved nation of ours, including the Malays, wake up from their slumber and realise that we need a drastic change?

Carlim: Year in year out, similar results, yet no action taken. Might as well photostat the auditor-general's reports yearly. The government should think how to remove these wastage before removing the rakyat's subsidies.

M.A.: Points to ponder - when you see such vulgar waste of public funds year in and year out and no corrective actions being done; little wonder that many Malaysians feel sick in the stomach and don't fly the Jalur Gemilang.

For Our Next Generation: Is this the tip of the iceberg, since the auditor-general's team was auditing at random. Once the country goes bankrupt, those who are going to suffer are government pensioners.

There will be an austerity drive, and naturally pensions will be cut. The day will come, but the rich will do okay - their money has already been transferred out and is safely in foreign banks.

MinahBulat: Now I think the the audit report maybe flawed. RM3,810 is not expensive for a wall clock if it is a Rolex Perpetual day date in oyster casing.

Hello, the clock can go 1,000 metres under water and still work. RTM should be commended, had they used the clock Chap 1Malaysia, that would costs at least RM100,000 per clock. Get my drift? As to the rest of the report, they are all small matters.

EvenSteven: Now that the auditor-general has revealed the costs of those wall clocks, they may be missing from the walls by the time of the next audit.

James_3392: I am disappointed RTM 1 and 2 didn't report such great news on its 8pm bulletin last night, and this happened right within Angkasapuri. What a shame I have to read it in Malaysiakini .

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