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Will Muhyiddin state official stand on cow slaughter?
Published:  Oct 29, 2013 8:54 AM
Updated: 3:41 AM

YOURSAY 'If the slaughtering of cows in schools is not a ministry policy, shouldn't he come out and make an official stand on it.'

Perkasa skins Kamalanathan over cow slaughter

Not Confused: How in all gods name can a call to stop the ritual slaughter of cows in a school yard be considered "an insult to Malays and Muslims" or disrespecting the religion of the majority race?

Perkasa Youth chief Irwan Fahmi Ideris should learn a little humility and understanding. He and his cohorts in Perkasa are nothing but a bunch of neo-facists.

Conversely, they have zero respect for any other religions and most certainly not the sensitivities of young, impressionable children. This is not the 15th century any longer, and using the schoolyard as an abattoir is totally unacceptable in any intelligent society.

Abahpenang: Every religion has their own rules and sacrifice. We have ours in Islam. Indians too have many festivals but did the Muslims complain?

Many of these festivals even create jam and block the roads. Is that not a disturbance? So let's respect one another's religion and yours will be respected too.

Proarte: AbahPenang, indeed we respect one another in Malaysia. We do so everyday with the blaring of ‘azan' and every week during Friday prayers when roads all over the country are obstructed by illegally parked cars.

But please when you make comparisons, do have a sense of proportion otherwise Islam will be yet again viewed by many as unjust. Remember, the slaughtering of cows in schools is not allowed as clarified by the Education Ministry.

Secondly, this is a recent phenomenon which deliberately aims to inflame and give ammunition for Umno right-wing outfits like Perkasa.

All children, be they Muslim or not, will be traumatised by a slaughter of such a big animal which will groan and whine as it is brought to the ground and it legs tied followed by spurting blood as it is having its throat slit.

To kill an animal sacred to Hindu school children in such a manner in the school vicinity is the height of insensitivity. Islam cannot be used as a fig leaf for racism and intolerance.

Perkasa is an Umno right-wing creation whose spiritual father is Dr Mahathir Mohamad which uses racism, religious bigotry, crude behaviour and violence as its modus operandi.

Under the guise of fighting for the Malays and Islam, together with Umno's sponsorship, they feel they are given licence to act with impunity. Sadly, in the process they disgrace the Malay race and bring Islam into public odium.

Malaysians, particularly the Malays, must stand up and be counted and reject the Perkasa agenda which is damaging the harmony of our nation.

Waste of Time: It looks like now Deputy Education Minister II P Kamalanathan has become the scapegoat. The ministry regulations are there. He was merely interpreting them. That's all.

No one should question one's religious right but the question here is "breaking of the regulations". If we adhere to the ministry regulations, then no one should need to apologise to anyone.

Continue-The-March: Who is the minister of education? If the slaughtering of cows in schools is not a ministry policy, shouldn't he come out and make an official stand on the matter.

As usual when the heat is on, you will see the Umno Baru minister asking the non-Malay junior minister to take the heat. You see it in the ‘Allah', ‘Korban', and ‘shoot to kill' issues.

You have Sabah's Joseph Kurup on ‘Allah', and of course this ‘hand-kisser' apologising on behalf of Umno.

Oriole: Kamalanathan, bullies and punks like Irwan will assume it is their right to issue immature statements like this, until you stop apologising for your existence and start sounding more decisive on issues of racism.

Otherwise your entire time in office will be spent living in fear of illiterate clowns like this fellow, who probably hasn't got much learning to speak of in the first place.

Aries46: Irwan is barking up the wrong tree defending the indefensible. Kamalanathan don't make the rules. He was merely expressing the ministry's position on slaughtering cows in schools.

Not only here in Malaysia but even anywhere else, such an act is likely to be forbidden or condemned for its health hazard and potential traumatic effects on school children.

And since Irwan is hyper sensitive, he must also consider the sensitivities of the Hindu students for whom cows have a religious significance. If the ministry's stand is deemed disrespectful or an insult or to Islam that is his own perception.

Aspects of Islam have freely pervaded most national schools in some form or other, but cow slaughtering has been spared I believe for obvious reasons. If Irwan has a case, then he must speak up and state his reasons.

Merely issuing threats and resorting to blackmail on the basis of majority race does little to justify the defence of one's religion.

SusahKes: Kamalanathan, everyone is asking you to pucker up and kiss someone again. May I propose an alternative?

Why don't you look up that MIC chap who gave Zulkifli Nordin a peck on the cheek during the last GE? Get him to kiss Irwan on your behalf; after all, MIC doesn't have any qualms in supporting Perkasa candidates in the general election, right?

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