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FREE YOURSAY ‘The headline should read: Cleanse yourself first, Bersih tells Umno.’

Cleanse yourself first, Umno leader tells Bersih


Klick: Umno supreme council member Ibrahim Abu, what you said is correct but note that when you point at someone, four of the fingers are pointing back at you.

Fairplayer: Umno is trying to use PKR's smaller sins to cover their huge sins.


PKR is dealing with their own sinful practices. But Umno? What is Umno doing about its massive corruptible ways through the years?


All political parties must do much soul-searching and self-examination. They must never use the sins of others to excuse their own sins. That is childish.


Champion Of Progresive Islam: Ibrahim was and is still expecting a free lunch. My simple answer is, we are concerned with the incompetence of the government because our very life and our children's life depend on it.


They are the rulers of the land, PKR can jump like a kangaroo but they are not going to impact people's life.


StopMonkeying: I fully agree with what Ibrahim said, "This is like an ustaz (religious preacher) who tells others to do good when he himself doesn't do the things he has asked others to do."


This description fits extremely well for himself and the minority Umno regime as well as their cronies.


Anticonmen: Bersih said "there could have been money politics in Terengganu", not "there is money politics in Terengganu". There is a difference.


Quigonbond: Bersih is not PKR. In any event, PKR is undergoing a disciplined process of suspending members thought to be involved in polls irregularity. Can Umno do the same?


R1: So many commenters are standing up to defend Bersih. We may not agree entirely with what Umno says but in the PKR elections issue, Bersih should say something since PKR might become part of the ruling coalition in future.


If they can't even conduct their own internal elections properly, what might happen if they were to win the next general election?


Mushiro: Ibrahim Abu, PKR has taken and is taking corrective actions to clean their election complaints. And it is quite immediate.


Bersih is not affiliated to PKR or any Pakatan Rakyat components. So Bersih's comments are independent. Why should Bersih ensure all Pakatan parties are clean first before pointing fingers at BN and Umno?


If there were elements of money politics in BN, Umno or PKR, Bersih should point it out immediately.


Anonymous_1399517796: The headline should read: Cleanse yourself first, Bersih tells Umno.


Senior Citizen: Ibrahim Abu, you are as pathetic as the UiTM (Universiti Teknologi Mara) itself. I know of a former matron who is now shamelessly walking around as an associate professor.


What type of doctors do we expect in future? Malaysia is doomed along with the doomed population who have survived on other people's blood, sweat and tears.


There are bright sparks, professionals like us, well-qualified, fully talented but who prefer to keep his talents to himself instead of trying to rejuvenate a breed like you from the dust.


Where Is Justice: Ibrahim Abu, shame on you as a former vice-chancellor of a higher educational institution. Alumni of that university should be ashamed of you.


Nobody is criticising or making allegations about money being involved yet. Bersih is merely asking whistleblowers, if any, to come forward due to this "suspicious" drama by those people involved.


Why do you jump the gun at this instance? The ustaz comparison cannot be more appropriate to use on the prime minister than anyone else.

Samurai: Typically idiotic comment from, unfortunately, a supposedly educated man. Ambiga Sreenevasan, Maria Chin Abdullah, Ahmad Farouk Musa, Pak Samad, none of these are PKR members nor politicians. They are OUR representatives, the people.

Pakatan supports Bersih because they stand for clean elections too, and Umno if they too stand for clean elections, have time and again been invited to join in.

But Umno's response? An Oxford-educated youth leader counter-rallying the people's call for clean elections (so does that mean Khairy Jamaluddin was advocating dirty elections during Bersih 2.o?) and calling themselves 'patriots'.


CiViC: Prof Ibrahim, the Terengganu issue is a state issue that affects people. PKR's election is an internal party issue. Do you even know what are you talking about?


FutureMalaysians: I have come to the stage of not wanting to hear anything the BN political leaders say.

Thana55: Definitely a professor kangkung. He cannot differentiate between party elections and national elections. Oh my God (OMG)!


GrooTheWanderer: Ibrahim Abu is saying black is white and white is black. And he had the status of vice-chancellor. Good luck to us all.

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