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Mahathir, our children can judge themselves

YOURSAY ‘He’s asking Umno members not go give their children a choice.’


Disappointed with Dyana, Dr M gives parenting tip

Ferdtan: What does it takes to stir up an 88-year-old man? It is a young and pretty Malay DAP candidate; and not to mention an intelligent one at that.


This coming from former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who would not comment unless it is crucial to the fate of Umno.


DAP has already won the war of perception - that it is not an enemy of Malays and Islam as often projected by Umno’s media.


By fielding Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud in the Teluk Intan by-election, DAP has removed that invisible curtain of fear (by the Malays) against the predominantly Chinese party, created to keep the ruling government in power for the last 50 years.


One thing Umno fears the most - Malays, Indians, Chinese and East Malaysians can come together and work as one unified force without fear and prejudice.


We know such hope lies only with our youths - and that is where Dyana Sofya can play a vital role.


Multi Racial: Basically, Dr M is asking Umno members not to give their children a choice.  Even if Umno is corrupted as he personally admitted, they should continue to support Umno. 


There is no doubt Umno did some good for the Malays. There is also clear evidence that Umno gives rise to massive corruption, cronyism and racism as well as causing a drop in education, security, judiciary and many more areas. 


Malaysians can see, regardless of their races and their political inclination, Umno and their BN partners are doing a bad job.  Malaysia which use to be among the top nation in Asia is slowly and surely losing competitiveness.


Our children can judge for themselves. Indeed, who are we to tell them what is better for them? That is the whole point of giving them an education, so that they can think for themselves and make their own decision.


The Mask: Wanita Umno chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, since you brought up the race issue, you and all your Umno Malays should not vote for Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong, for he is a Chinese. If you do so, you are also a traitor.


Think before you speak otherwise it would back fire. As for Mahathir, he needs also to think how he brought up his own daughter.  


Fair Play: Top Umno honchos must have been shaken to the core with Dyana's suave and crisp counter-punches against their top woman leader and the contagious effect on other right-thinking young Malay Malaysians.


Indeed Dyana is a very ‘bad’ role model for the youth.


Ipohcrite: Mahathir isn't as smart as his diehard Umno followers would like us to think.


If Mahathir, inspite of his long years in this world, cannot figure out that an offspring of an Umno supporter has decided not to support Umno because of Umno's track record of corruption (money politics, they say) and injustice, and the Umno-led BN government's poor record of fiduciary duty (read the auditor-general's reports), one can conclude that he doesn't have much between his ears.


Anonymous_1386623880: A parenting tip from a failed statesman whose delusion of grandeur created economic chaos for Malaysia? And whose thirst for power and Machiavellian tactics caused Umno to be deregistered in 1988? I beg to differ.


Dyana Sofya was right when she said that it was close to impossible to be fielded as a parliamentary candidate if she were in Umno. She is not a traitor to the Malays.


The traitors are those who are currently in power in Putrajaya for practicing double standards, selective persecution and blatant abuse of power against its own race just because they are part of the opposition.


Umno members will always play the race card ad nauseum because that's what they were taught to do. Being almost 90 years old, it is understandable that Dr M just couldn't fathom the dynamic changes taking place in Malaysia.


His time is long past gone. Why should the younger generation listen to this old coot when he himself refused to listen to his elders decades ago?


Proarte: Umno as a party does not exist anymore. Mahathir surely should know this as he created Umno Baru. I am sure Dyana's parents are nostalgic over the original Umno which did indeed have the interests of Malays at heart.


The Mahathir-inspired Umno resulted in its  own destruction with the creation of Umno Baru, a Mahathir Frankenstein's monster which is wreaking havoc across our once peaceful and pleasant land.


How nice to see a  young Malay woman who is not tudung clad but who is confident in her faith and Malayness. She does not see any contradiction with rejecting hudud laws and being a devout Muslim. This type of Malay is Umno's and PAS's worst nightmare.


I hope PAS will realise that hudud is an albatross which will sink them. The fact that hudud is dividing Pakatan Rakyat and strengthening Umno should make Malays open their eyes that hudud cannot possibly be associated with anything good or divine.


J Ng: Mahathir is right that Malays can be easily duped. Malays were hoodwinked in the last 50 years. All said privileges of NEP to assist the Malays are in fact the biggest suppressants to the Malay masses real development.


The real Ketuanan Melayu are in fact only applicable to Umnoputras and cronies. Umnoputras send their children overseas to be westernised and educated. The masses are restricted (although supported) to local institutions.


The majority became mono-lingual and have to rely on government/GLC (government-linked company) jobs. Most will find it difficult to compete in commercial markets.


In religion, false anti-Islam stories are intentionally created to frighten Muslims. Worst to come is the 'sanctioned' influx of uneducated Muslim immigrants to boast voting chances.


This rob local Malays of blue collared jobs and small businesses. Frankly, a generation of Malays has been 'damaged' intentionally in order for Umno to stay in power.


WDA: Mahathir is worried. Actually, he is very worried. He showed the same concern when Anwar Ibrahim wanted to contest the Kajang by-election with the aim of becoming the next  menteri besar of Selangor.


Mahathir understood the negative implications to Umno-BN if the ‘Kajang Move’ materialises. His serious concerns and restlessness were evident because almost everyday he had something negative to say about Anwar.


This is just the beginning of Mahathir's onslaught on Dyana. Expect this to continue until polling day. Mahathir understands the serious implications to Umno if young Dyana emerges victorious and becomes DAP's poster girl and be in the limelight for many years to come.


Malays who would not have given a second thought to join DAP, will instead be asking the question, "Why not DAP?" And that is very dangerous for Umno-BN.

Marina, tell us about daddy’s parenting style

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