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YOURSAY ‘Mah, are you in control of your campaign or is it just talk?’


Now, photo of Dyana with Ibrahim Ali

Swot Strategist: A picture tells a thousand words. Good, because socially, DAP’s Teluk Intan candidate Dyana Soyfa Mohd Daud is well-known to all, and has the support of her own Umno mother Yammy Samat and can mingle with the narrow-minded president of Perkasa Ibrahim Ali.


I respect her individual thoughts centred on "the rights of access to education should be accorded to all qualified hard-working and deserving Malaysians, irrespective of race, religion, region, gender and political affiliation".


She was able to fend off seasoned fighter like Shahrizat Abdul Jalil with a noble word - that she felt 'zen' when told the Wanita Umno chief not to be a traitor - meaning she also understands some the universal theory of yin and yang, where in the good there is some bad and in the bad there is some good.                


Wira: The way Umno went ballistic with Dyana's candidacy conveyed one important point. DAP made the right choice to field a young, matured, forward-thinking Malay lawyer as its candidate in this mixed constituency.


Don't be surprised if the ‘three stooges company’ comes out with a sex video or photographs depicting a Dyana-lookalike having an orgy with some senior DAP leaders.


Tikusmati: This only shows how scared Umno is with Dyana. If, as claimed, Dyana is a political novice, what then is the reason for them to be scared when they have all the machinery and her opponent Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong, a political veteran behind them.


Dyana is the spark that will light the fire. Go Dyana, go, go.


Anonymous #88188: That shows that Dyana is socially generous and humble enough to all people even though they have different political stands. More respect earned by Dyana.


Wira: Umno’s way to win this election is not about how good Gerakan or Mah is, but how not a good Muslim Dyana is.


David: It is obviously an attempt to confuse the majority Chinese electorate in Teluk Intan. If this is Umno cybertroopers game plan, then they have grossly underestimated the maturity of this group of electorates.


On the other hand, this game plan may backfire on Umno as their lesser informed supporters will view the photo differently and vote for Dyana.

Myop101: Mah, are you in control of your campaign or is it just talk (no personal attacks during campaign)?


Multi Racial: Dyana is with DAP as she believes in DAP struggle. But that does not mean she cannot mix with others.


What is wrong with her having friends in BN or Umno, or even being friends with Ibrahim Ali? As long as she never deviates from her struggle with DAP, I would go along with her.


Anonymous_3e86: For Umno, one cannot a friend of those from different political parties. I have friends from Umno-BN and friends from Pakatan Rakyat.


That does not mean I am pro-BN or pro-Pakatan. The main objective of a politician should be to serve the people, regardless of political affiliation.


Dood: The picture of Dyana with Ibrahim Ali - I’m not sure if its meant to portray Dyana in a bad light for associating with a bad character or meant to portray Ibrahim Ali in a bad light for associating with a good character.


NuckinFuts: This picture just shows that this woman knows how to be civil with other politicians, even though they are from some messed-up party. It shows good upbringing and good education. Umno politicians should learn from this lass.


Avinder Singh: So what? If Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak can take photo with the pope at the Vatican, why can't Dyana take a photo with Ibrahim Ali?


Ali BaBa & 40 Umknown Theives: Can Umno ever play fair? Dyana is just 27 and not yet born to the political world.


Why would Umno, who is aged 56, and most ministers who are old enough to be her father, feel so insecure over Dyana candidacy?


Something is very wrong with Umno. Slug it out in like a gentleman and compete with class. Don’t play dirty, especially with a young girl who is brilliant, pretty and potentially a future leader.


Umno have been going around in all this years recruiting young Puteri Umno members, and where are your new talents now?


Bury Lynas: Dyana just has to be careful. Those who wants fame will do what they can to

stand beside you. Try your best to avoid racist and anti-Malaysia elements.                     


Berita Hairan: That's a good photo, it indicates Malay rights group Perkasa and others are now beginning to be slightly influenced by the path Dyana is taking.


Don't be surprise if Perkasa’s Ibrahim Ali applies to join DAP soon.

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