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Playing the 'Israel card' with three protesters

YOURSAY ‘Hello, protesters, could you please take your grouses to Putrajaya?’

Only three Gaza protesters outside KL McDonald's

Hang Babeuf: This is how a government of diminishing, even collapsing, and now tawdry legitimacy and dubious Islamic credibility plays the ‘Israel card’ to mobilise Muslim anger, and so consolidate its failing position...


Oh, yes, and by the way: this is a government that wants to lead the world toward, and in, "religious moderation". True enough: the Malaysian government has its own special view of and "take" on "moderation - which it will enforce immoderately, even brutally.


Consider, for example, the current and continuing legal hounding, the social and stigmatisation and reputational scandalisation amounting to wanton officially-driven character assassination by the federal Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim) based in the Prime Minister's Office (and not a notable supporter, that Jakim, of the PM's "moderation") of a frail, 80-year-old man for the "crime" of holding "anti-clericalist" views.


Note: I am not talking here about Gaza. I may do that another time. I am talking about Malaysia - about a country that would preach, and set itself up as the moral arbiter, to the whole world that is happy to have habitual recourse to this kind of sleazy, lazy, vulgar and dumb politics.


Vietnam Mari: Boycotting Jewish products will be an exercise in futility like cutting your nose off to spite your face.


Google was founded by Larry Page (mother Jewish) and Sergey Brin (Russian Jew); Starbucks was founded by two Jews (Jerry Baldwin and Zev Siegl) and Gentile Gordon Booker, with Berjaya holding the franchise of Starbucks in Malaysia.


To top it all off, prominent Facebook founder is Mark Zuckerberg (Jewish), Waze, the GPS road guide, was founded by an Israeli company now bought over by Google.


Want to boycott Google, Starbucks, Waze and Facebook? Do so at your inconvenience.


MinahBulat: This boycott is successful as (Israeli prime minister) Benjamin Netanyahu panicked until he had to give a 72-hour ceasefire.


Syabas, Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM), you have done a good job by striking fear into the hearts of the Israeli Jews.


The two sympathisers (who claim there are hundreds) are correct, this is the Hungry Ghost month, they are all there except reporters cannot see them.

Freethinker: Any approval from the police to hold the protest? If not, was anyone arrested and will face charges under the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA)?


Myop101: I had my McDonald’s lunch today in solidarity with Malaysian employees and businesses who are being victimised by misinformed and deluded people like these.


Justice Pao: Based on the argument from these protesters, we should stop doing business with Intel, Motorola, IBM and many other companies that have suppliers or factories in Israel or are related to Jews.


We should boycott all these companies and stop using products related to these companies. I believe we have to shut down and stop all work in Malaysia as almost 100 percent of what we use have something related directly or indirectly to Jews.


Malaysia will definitely go back to the Dark Ages. I forgot to mention that Malaysian should boycott the BN government too for hiring Apoc as public relations consultant (a Jewish-linked agency with office in Tel Aviv).


Capo: Hello, protesters, could you please take your grouses to Putrajaya because that is where big business is done with the Israelis. They pocket the profits while you rot in the sun and achieve nothing.


Proarte: Malays love McDonald’s and will continue to patronise its outlets. However, Malay Muslim fascist organisations like JMM use any opportunity to gain publicity, and are using the suffering of Gazans to promote its warped agenda.


McDonald’s has said they do not support Israel in the current conflict with Hamas and are a neutral organisation. If JMM cannot provide proof, then is it ‘fitnah’ (slander).


They seem to be promoting economic sabotage in order to promote 'Muslim local products'. This is plainly immoral. But then do lies, treachery and violence matter to these types of Muslims?


Promoting hatred and suspicion of Jews and Christians as well as condoning of violence has to be rejected.


Muslims must take what is moral and relevant to modern times and reject bigotry and racism. If not, the result is chaos, violence, killings and hatred, which we see in the Muslim world today.


Wira: The protesters are hurting the franchise holder and his employees. If the local McD’s business drops as a result of your boycott, who is going to miss the promotions, salary increments and bonuses?


It's going to be the mainly Muslim employees. That’s because McD’s is a giant company worldwide.


If McD’s Malaysia is not profitable, they just close down those branches which are unprofitable. McD’s is not like Putrajaya which offers job security despite poor performance.


Not Smart: This poor protester should have first checked who are the major local stakeholders in McDonald’s and other similar foreign companies operating in our country before staging the protest. The really smart, opportunist and cunning ones are not there. Poor guy.

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