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YOURSAY ‘The most distressing is not so much what was said but who said it.’


Ex-CJ: Only Malays truly fought for independence

Vijay47: It is truly shocking that a former chief justice could sink to such a low level as to deny historical truth and present unfounded facts and arguments to support a racist fanatical stand that we would be ashamed of if from a humble magistrate, let alone someone thrust into the higher echelons of the judiciary. 


The most distressing feature here is not so much what was said but who said it. Judges like Abdul Hamid Mohamad are clear evidence of the basis upon which members of the judiciary are selected and shamelessly, they do nothing to correct us of the disgust and contempt we hold for them.


What is even more frightening is that with the system established so firmly, there must be lurking within the halls of the so-called palaces of justice vermin of the same breed that Abdul Hamid comes from.


Without the least qualms, they preach and proclaim religious purity yet they are utter shame to their co-religionists, their families, and anybody else who may have the misfortune to encounter them.


Tiger50: How did Abdul Hamid pass law and became chief justice (CJ)?


When did he become an authority in history of Malaya, its independence and the hard work of the then three major races? Is this not seditious as it hurts the feelings of Indians, Chinese and other races who worked so hard for Malaya and later Malaysia?


The police should arrest him and charge him for sedition. But I know this is wishful thinking.


Gopi Sekhar: What a gross misrepresentation of the facts. How a man can reach such high office while maintaining such biased and ignorant views is shocking.


It is truly unfortunate that young and impressionable minds at Universiti Selangor (Unisel) where Abdul Hamid spoke were being exposed to such inappropriate and inaccurate views. Shame on him.


Jafar al-Sadiq: This numbskull has no understanding of history nor nationalism. The people who really fought the British were the likes of Chin Peng, Rashid Mydin and their group.


The CPM (Communist Party of Malaya) comprised a good number of Malay nationalists, whilst many of our so-called ‘freedom fighters’ were nothing but apple polishers.


The communists were defeated because the people did not want communism, and to great extent through the hard work of our intelligence apparatus - the Special Branch - which was reputed to be one of the best in the world and it comprised many Chinese, many of whom gave their lives fighting for the cause.


Nevertheless, Chin Peng and the CPM were nationalists. Even though they were communists, they fought the British and Japanese and died in many battles. Indeed, when the Japanese came, those who claimed to have ‘fought’ for independence collaborated with the Japanese. Who is Abdul Hamid trying to fool?


Ghostwhowalks: My late father, a non-Malay, fought alongside the British army (Force 136) in the Malayan jungle to get rid of the invading Japanese to liberate Malaya, risking his life in the process and he was from Sabah.


And you dare to give me this crap that only the Malays truly fought for independence?


ACR: I am compelled to respond lest the lies by this man would go unchallenged. What fight took place for independence?


From the 1771 arrival of Francis Light in Penang till Merdeka in 1957, the Malay rulers did not have the capacity to fight the British. They acquiesced and went into business of tin and rubber with the British who advised the rulers on all matters, except Malay customs and Islam.


MIC was formed in 1946 and following India's independence in 1947 focused on Malaya. The Alliance was formed in 1952. The non-Malays could not have fought the Malayan Union with Umno and the Malay rulers simply because the latter objected to equal rights and citizenship for non-Malays born in Malaya and wanted the colonial structure of British resident advisors and Malay privileges to remain.


The earliest Malay-non Malay partnership was seen in AMCJA-Putera, specifically the People's Constitution, but the British decided to work with Umno and the rulers on independence.


Rojak: Irrespective of whether one agrees with Abdul Hamid's opinions, if he wants to convince anyone he should really do his homework first.


Does he not realise that when Umno was formed in 1946, it did not (in contrast to MCA’s Tan Cheng Lock's Council of Joint Action) oppose British colonialism? And last time, he claimed there was no country in the world except Malaysia that supported education in other languages.


Abasir: In civilised nations across the world, one rightly associates the holder of high office with morality, intelligence, wisdom and integrity. But not so in Malaysia, a fast regressing country increasingly characterised by moronic, racist utterances by intellectual and moral pygmies occupying undeserved positions.


For those who would care to recall, this has been the trend over the last two decades with the emergence of the connected but obviously retarded class. Be it the judiciary, the 'Islamic' clergy, education, law enforcement or politics, one cannot but note the spreading stain of idiocy and crookedness across the board.


The deliberate transformation of the country from a truly harmonious and richly multifaceted one to a racist, rigid and irreparably divided land is in its final stages. Vile utterances such as the one by this lowlife merely mark the decline preceding God-forsaken disaster.


David Dass: It is silly to engage in this kind of rhetoric. The former CJ should know better. There is a quote attributable to a famous English judge which might apply here: "A much talking judge is like an ill-tuned cymbal." What purpose is served with this kind of talk?


We have a Federal Constitution. Sabah, Sarawak, Malaya formed Malaysia together. There is no turning back the clock. For good or ill, we are all Malaysians, whatever our ethnicity or religion.


And we have decided that we should be a democracy where the people govern the country through elected representatives. The non-Malay Malaysians actually have a say in how the country is governed.


And individuals have rights. Freedom of expression is a guaranteed right so the former CJ is entitled to express his opinions. The problem is this, such rhetoric simply provokes and inflames. It creates stress and tension. It takes the country close to the brink. Why do this?


Anonymous #86349756: German scientists dug 50 meters down in the ground and discovered small pieces of copper. After studying these pieces for a long time, Germany announced that the ancient Germans 25,000 years ago had a nationwide telephone copper wire network.


The Russian government was not that easily impressed. They ordered their own scientists to dig even deeper. 100 meters down, they found small pieces of glass. They soon announced that 35,000 years ago, the ancient Russians already had a nationwide fiber optics network.


The Malaysian government decided that they also ‘boleh’. They dug 50 meters, found nothing. 100 meters, also nothing. About 200 meters underground, they still found absolutely nothing.


They thought for a while, then proudly announced that Malaysia 50,000 years ago had already gone wireless. Selamat Merdeka everybody, Malaysia Boleh!

A history lesson for former chief justice

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