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Many ongoing questions in Altantuya murder

YOURSAY ‘This ought to be the nation's most remarkable cover-up.’


Still no decision on Altantuya murder


CQ Muar: While the nation, and perhaps the whole world, anticipates a logical conclusion of Malaysia's most gruesome murder, many questions involving Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu's death are left unanswered.


Even before the two police officers were apprehended and brought to court for murder, herewith are the relevant questions:


1) Why was the allegedly pregnant beauty Altantuya targeted?


2) Who were those bigwigs involved in the case?


3) Wasn't Altantuya the translator involved in the Scorpene submarine deal which ultimately led to her untimely end?


4) What was the reason or reasons she was silenced for harassing those involved for failing to honour the allegedly ‘promised’ commissions?


5) How did the sophisticated C4 explosives landed in the hands of those two police officers?


6) Who was the minister in charge and approved the released of such dangerous explosives?


7) What is the rationale for delaying and unravelling such a heinous crime, and why take this long?


8) Isn't this a clear-cut conspiracy involving the nation's ‘top-gun’ and his once close associate?


9) Can the five-member panel of Federal Court judges tell the truth without fear or favour?


Evidently, such questions will remain a mystery and unresolved until and unless there's change in this country.


This ought to be the nation's most remarkable cover-up. Why wasn't the confession and sworn statement of Sirul Azhar Umar being produced and brought to the court?


It was a detailed account how the two, including Azilah Hadri, dragged the helpless Altantuya Shaariibuu out of a car as she begged and pleaded for her life and that of her unborn baby.


Despite her desperate plea, she was mercilessly shot in the head twice; wrapped in C4 military explosives and blew up, apparently to destroy the DNA evidence.


This took place on Oct 18, 2006 in a secluded spot near Shah Alam.


Another curious question to ask: Why wasn't Musa Safri, PM Najib Razak's chief of staff, who was said to assign the two (police officers) to "take care" of her (Altantuya), and Najib Abdul Razak not being called as witness?


MingXiang: To all those involved in this massive cover-up, I feel sorry for you. A most heinous crime was committed and you are protecting those involved. All for what?


Dr Shaariibuu Setev will be long dead before this case can be brought to a final conclusion. Let the judges concerned wrestle with their conscience.


Mushiro: This Altantuya murder case involved Najib, Najib’s ADC (aide-de-camp), Najib's household staff, Najib's bodyguards, Najib's confidant Razak Baginda and Najib's taped phone conversation with lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah.


It involved the Defence Ministry where C4 was issued. It involved the Immigration Department as Altantuya's entry records were removed. Yet Najib and Musa Safri were not called to testify.


In fact, Najib's name was not allowed to be mentioned in court by the trial judge. Judges and prosecutors were replaced at the last minute.


This is one case where the prosecution, the judge and the defence lawyers appeared to act in sync. This is also the first case I have seen where the two accused were allowed to come to court in their hoods.


Is there any wonder why the judges are taking a very long time to decide?


Whysoserious: Mushiro, how can you link Najib with this case? Do all the signs lead to Najib? If that's the case, Najib must have been nabbed by now.


Anyway, that was a good write-up, but not good enough to make us believe your fantasy.

Bury Lynas: Who killed Altantuya? Who killed Teoh Beng Hock? These questions remained unanswered but Malaysians want to know.


Negarawan: Justice to Altantuya, and in many other politically-linked cases, cannot be done while a corrupt Umno government and judiciary are still in power.


The only justice that has been served is karma, and those who are responsible for Altantuya's death already realise that, or will realise it sooner or later.


The simple fact that Altantuya's missing immigration records has never been questioned and probed in court, and certain key people not called for cross-examination and defence, says a lot about the integrity of the judiciary.


It doesn't take a top legal mind to smell the rot in the way the judiciary handled this case.


Anonymous #33227154: I hope the truth will prevail eventually. The parties involved deserve an independent conclusion so that justice can be upheld.


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